He Wanted Money, as well as his arm

Fu Xi and Gong Hao hugged each other and fell asleep on the sofa.


A hurried ringtone sounded. Fu Xi woke up and subconsciously picked up the phone. Mother Fu's sorrowful voice came from the receiver.

"Xi'er, your father has been kidnapped!"


Fu Xi turned over and sat up. It was as if she had been splashed with a basin of cold water, and her mind immediately cleared up.

"Mom, take it easy. Tell me what happened."

"The kidnapper called me. He even turned on the video. Your father was indeed kidnapped."

Mother Fu cried and explained what had happened.

It turned out that Father Fu had gone to the mall in the morning and was attacked when he went out. The other party had charged at him and taken him hostage to an abandoned warehouse.

The kidnappers even told Mother Fu to look for Fu Xi and Gong Hao.

Fu Xi comforted her mother and hung up the phone, frowning.