Research and Development of New Drugs

In the pharmaceutical department's meeting room of the Qu Group.

In front of the round table, the group's shareholders, directors, and Qu Zhen, who was in charge of pharmaceutics, were all waiting in silence. The silence broke when Qu Xiao opened the door and entered. Qu Xiao naturally sat at the main seat and spread her hands to signal everyone to express their opinions.

Half an hour ago, Qu Xiao received a call from the Qu Group's special assistant. In a hurried and nervous tone, she said something had happened at the company!

Qu Xiao was so scared that she did not dare to delay. She rushed to the group at top speed, only to find that the situation was much calmer than she had imagined. Before taking the elevator to the meeting room, Qu Xiao was faintly worried that the shareholders and Qu Zhen would fight and tear the ceiling apart.