The Crisis at the Forum

Lei Qiming and Qu Xiao rushed to the venue with the project information at the Overseas Forum.

Shang Yan's identity was special, so he did not accompany Qu Xiao. He was afraid that the scientific research faculty of other organizations would view the results of Lei Qiming and Qu Xiao's hard work capitalistically and discount their efforts.

Qu Xiao followed the process of participating in the forum and handed the information and project declaration to the staff in front of the exhibition board.

The tanned man glanced at the information column of the application form and vaguely urged Qu Xiao to hand in other specific information.

Qu Xiao narrowed her eyes suspiciously and communicated with the other party in fluent English.

"You clearly stated that we only need to provide an introduction, and there was no need for specific details."

"Which regulation are you relying upon now that requires us to hand in all the information?"