A New World [Part 2]

"So… you are telling me you had a dream about all of this happening back when we were in the capital and you froze over?" Emma asked while keeping her eyes narrowed.

"Well, it was more of a vision than a dream but yes, I already watched it happen," Zack replied while looking Emma directly in the eyes.

He trusted her enough to tell the exact details of what he saw yet Zack didn't dare tell her about the past thing he had seen. Emma probably wasn't going to like such a thing.

'But what if that was not a vision and a vision of the future too?' Once again, the voice in his head decided to question him.

This time, he could easily shake the voice off by focusing on Emma.

"Know what? Let's just go and talk to Evangeline before seeing what is happening around the world." Emma uttered a sigh as she pinched her cheek once just to see whether she was dreaming or not.