The Disaster Of The Millenniums

Zack floated higher just in time to see the volcano erupting and giving rise to a chain reaction. Hundreds of volcanoes erupted in perfect sync, making the entire ocean rage war against itself.

Tremors traveled throughout the crust of the Earth before reaching the land. Zack couldn't see it yet he knew that earthquakes had struck around the entire world.

And they were no minors earthquakes.

In the past, he would have no known what to call the crazy mass explosion of underwater volcanoes but after getting his memories back, Zack knew that more of such things were about to happen soon.

'This world isn't compatible with mana which can only mean one thing,' Zack thought while staring at the sun above his head. 'Ragnarök…'

He sped up his ride, managing to travel the distance between himself and England in ten minutes. Every muscle in his body had been on the verge of being torn in half yet he managed to hold his ground.