Damon was a bit of a pompous ass sometimes with a head way too big for his shoulders. He believed most people should be grateful to be in his presence and responded with violence when they weren't. A small effect of him being the first born son of two alphas.

He was really just a big baby who had trouble making friends. His only friend was Amelia, the future beta who had zero problems knocking him down a whole lot of notches when no one else would.

They were seventeen now on their way to eighteen, and I knew Damon didn't want anything more in his life than for Amelia to be his mate. He'd never say it and acted like a complete ass when she was around, but he was completely and utterly in love with the girl and had absolutely no idea how to show it.

And so, I just kept walking until I reached my room. It was the exact same way I left it, although a bit cleaner, making me smile. Julian always cleaned it up for me when I was gone.

The room was a dark navy blue, almost black color with a way too big kind-sized bed in the corner underneath a large window that took most of the wall. On the other side, my books, paintings, tv and working desk.

I shut the door behind me as I walk deeper into the room, not at all surprised when a loud, dare I say … demonic growl filled the house.

I enter my bathroom to relieve myself as heavy impatient steps make their way to me.

The door almost breaks open with the force put behind it as Damon comes straight in the bathroom.

He'd grown taller somehow. His long dirty blonde hair caressed his shoulder as he stood shirtless with even more tattoos littered all over his arms. He simply glared at me with those dark blue eyes that scared most people.

I was not most people.

"You just gonna stand there and watch me piss like a perv?" I question with a smirk. I could swear his eye was twitching but he steps out, remaining in my room while I finish off and wash my hands.

I walk out to find him standing in the middle of my room, arms crossed and body tense. He wanted to hug me- I knew it, but he was trying so uselessly hard to appear like he didn't.

I guess I'd have to tease the guy a little.

"Why didn't you come down when I arrived?" I question as I dry my hand with a small towel. "I thought you missed me enough to come say hi; guess not."

His glare falters as his eyes immediately fill with regret and guilt before flashing back to the cold stare. His body shifting in its spot uncomfortably.

"Are you even going to say hello?" I question walking forward slowly. "Even Peter said something, can't you?"

He opens his mouth but nothing comes out making his frown deepen as he clenches his fist. Goddess he was helpless.

I stop when I'm right in front of him. Frowning a little when I realize I have to look up at him; somehow he managed to pass me. Now I felt like the kid.

"If you're not going to say anything, get out." I say finally holding his glare. I wouldn't succumb to his premature, alpha tendencies. I was an Alpha too and I didn't need an inner wolf to show him who was still in charge here. I ignore his release of pheromones as he tries to stand his ground. I wasn't giving up.

After a few long minutes, he finally gives in and pulls me into a hug. I laugh against him as he squeezes me tightly and inhales me deeply.

"I f*cking hate you." He growls and I laugh as I pat his back.

"I think you mispronounced love." I say with amusement as he pulls back but doesn't let me go. "You good kid?"

"I'm not a kid!" He growls with a small pout. "I killed seven rogues today alone."

"Sounds like something a kid would do." I say making his frown deepen. "You didn't answer my question."

"I'm fine." He grunts as we part and I flop down on my bed. He immediately lies down next to me, our arms behind our heads. "Are you okay?"

"Not really." I say truthfully.

"You know I'm going to kill him right?" Damon questions and I sigh. He always did this when any of relationships ended. I'd managed to stray him from death to torture, which was no better in my eyes, but a big loss to him. He'd somehow find them and torture them at the very least.

"Please don't." I beg but he just smiles.

"I'm going to claw the skin from his body." He says with that sick happy voice he got when he thought about death.

"Even if I tell you I broke up with him." I say making his smile drop as he looks to me. "It wasn't working out- no spark … so I ended it."

"You're lying." He says after a moment before looking back to the ceiling. "So I'm going to kill him."

"If you do, I'm never talking to you again." I threaten and he just laughs.

"You say that every time." He counters making me frown. My body was building with useless frustration.

"If you do, t-then I won't come back next time." I stutter out frustratedly and he freezes. He sits up resting on his arm, hovering over me.

I knew he was always afraid of me leaving and never coming back, and he knew one day I wouldn't. I was an alpha- I couldn't stay here forever.

"You wouldn't." He says simply before flopping back onto the bed.

"How's Amelia?" I question, desperate to change the topic.

"As good as a b*tch can be." He replies boredly and I laugh. In Damon language, that translated to 'she's okay'.

"I heard Hagen is getting bullied for his name." I say looking to him with a frown. "You're looking out for him right?"

"Yeah." He says swatting me off. "He just gives me a name, and I deal with them." My eyes widen at this and he rolls his eyes. "I don't f*cking kill them, I just f*ck them up a bit."

"Cause that's so much better." I say sarcastically before we dive into conversation. We recapped everything the other had missed in our time apart, despite the fact that we talked on the phone everyday.

Damon was my closest sibling without a doubt. He may be as tough as nails with a bite that killed but if anybody ever f*cked with him, I'd make him look like the nice son.

"Dinner's ready you parasites!" Aiden yells loudly, causing both Damon and I to groan. "Oh, you don't want to eat?"

"Aiden." Julian calls in annoyance.

"No. If those two little shits are too bothered to come downstairs and eat, then guess what? You don't have to eat!" He shouts angrily before walking away with heavy steps and audible grumbles. "Stupid little pieces of … "

"Gotta love dad, right?" Damon says as we slide off the bed.

"Damn right you better love me!" He yells back as we walk down the hallway, causing us to roll our eyes.

When we finally make it to the dinner table, my stomach growls with hunger as my eyes took everything in. I almost forgot how great the food Julian and Peter made was. I'm practically salivating as I take a seat across from Josey, Peter on my left and Damon on my right.

"It's nice having everyone together again." Julian says while glancing around the table from his seat, which was placed at one head of the table and Aiden at the other.

"Yeah, just amazing." Hagen says beaming around. "The wifi gets slower, a warm shower is a f*cking luxury from the Goddess above and best of all, we get to share all our food."

Aiden nods in agreement causing Julian to glare at him. He stiffens at this before he smacks Hagen upside the head. Hagen winces as he rubs at his scalp while Josey snickers and Damon chuckles.

"Now, what are we all grateful for?" Julian says making everyone else groan but me smile. A couple years ago, I would've groaned too but after being away for so long, I kinda missed this.

"Shut it and say what you're grateful for so we can eat." Aiden snaps looking to Damon to start but someone beats him to the punch.

"I-It makes no sense saying i-it tonight." Peter stutters out with a voice much quieter than usual, even for him.

The room goes absolutely quiet as we all take in the rare moment of Peter actually talking without being pressured to.

He looks around the room nervously before his eyes land in his lap.

His biggest fear was probably being yelled at but nobody ever yelled at Peter, ever.

"Only b-because we're all thankful f-for the same thing." He explains quickly before rushing out the rest. "I didn't mean to be rude."

"And what is that Peter?" Julian asks gently with a smile that immediately calms him. He looks around the room for a while before his eyes settle on me.

"Feli." He says as if it were obvious. "W-We're not a family. …