I wrap my arms around his neck and push myself up on my toes to look straight at him. The large smile resting on my lips mirrored by his as well. A giggle escapes me right before he tightens his hold around my waist and lifts me a little.

I laugh against him as he tries to spin us but we just end up on the floor. This just making me laugh even more as a few chuckles of his own escape his lips.

It was as if we were just bursting with energy now that we were together and didn't know what to do with it.

I pull myself up his chest, my weight resting on him as I look down at him. His hair was tangled again, already catching the leaves on the ground with the knots that formed with my absence.

"You shouldn't try things like that when you can't even walk." I say playfully and his smile fades at the mention of the word walk.

Some things J was starting to get. Walk meant doing the things with his legs which he hated, clothes meant putting on the uncomfortable fabric which he also hated and my watch beeping meant it was time for me to go.

He sits up a bit with an expression I don't quite recognise, he sets me down besides him before standing to his feet. I begin to think that he's mad at me before he takes a steady step forward and then another and another. He wobbles here and there, he even falls once or twice, but he stands again and continues.

I stand to my own feet in awe and can't help but release a sort of mix between a scream and a shout that makes him snap his attention back to me.

"You're walking!" I exclaim with a smile so wide I swear my face would tear in half. "You're actually walking!"

I quickly rush over to him, catching his arm before he could fall again but I'm too proud to notice. Too damn happy to stop myself from hugging him so tight he groans and grunts at my force.

"How?" I question when I finally pull back and allow him to breathe. "How are you already walking?"

He doesn't get what I'm asking completely, so I make some gestures with my hand and him before he seems to get it. He points to me and then north, towards my pack.

"When I was gone?" I question and he nods unsurely as if not sure that the words I suggested were right. "You practiced?" I say almost in disbelief and this time he doesn't nod, not recognising the words.

I bite back another scream, not wanting to scare him. Instead I just jump onto him, he catches me, managing to keep us upright this time. He supports my weight effortlessly, his hands gripping my thighs while my legs held me to his waist.

"I am so proud of you." I say as I press my forehead to his. I pull back after a moment to look into those beautiful, dark orbs of his. "I love you." I say looking him straight in his eyes.

He studies my lips for a moment before kissing my cheek gently. The tenderness of the action sending a jolt of electricity through me.

I struggle to keep down my blush and the smirk that plays on his lips tells me he knows just how much he affects me.

"I planned us something special today, don't make me cancel it." I warn with a small frown that fades easily. "Let's go." I say as I slide off of him.

I lace my fingers between his own, prompting him to put a bit of his weight on me as we begin walking.

It's slow and shaky, but we make do and I can't help but love every second of it.


As we approach the intended site, the sound of water rushing invades my ears and I push us to walk a bit faster with an overwhelming eagerness buzzing throughout my entire being.

As we made our way over here, J's walking had improved a little more and he listened to my aimless rambling as I told him about everything that happened in our time apart. I knew he couldn'tquite understand it all, but he tried so hard to and that was more than enough for me.

"This place is very special to me." I say as the crystaline waters come to eye. "I found it a couple years ago."

When we manoeuvre our way through the remaining trees, I stop us to take in the breathtaking waterfall in all it's glory.

With the afternoon sun laying waste to the sky, the blue waters shone with a unique beauty. The water crashed onto the jagged, undercut rock before rushing down uncontrolled and viciously. Crashing into the awaiting plunge pool that sparkled welcomingly.

The colbalt tinted waters spread out in the large pool before burshing at the edges of the stony border. The borders surrounded by small white flowers that grew in bundles, complementing the caged water.

I drew my eyes from the waterfall to glance up at J, sure enough his eyes were wide, pupils dillated with wonder and amazement. A look I savour as the corner of his lips tugged for a smile.

Absentmindly, he took a step forward that result in us stumbling a bit. Ripping his eyes away to look at me, he sends me an apologetic look that I swat away.

I give his shoulder a small squeeze before nudging him forward. We move quickly to the waterfall, only stopping when our feet become slightly wet from the damp soil that rested before the flowers.

I wanted us to have fun. I doubted J knew how to swim and I wanted him to enjoy the rush of cold water against the skin. For him to bathe under the waterfall's showers and soak in one of life's simplest pleasures.

I release J's grasp on me, ignoring his worried gaze, to quickly strip down to my birthday suite. My eyes shyly find his again after, an unwelcomed blush flooding its way up my neck and to my cheeks.

Lust burned in his eyes as he racked them down my body. He'd never seen my body in it's barest form with no clothes standing between us. The look in his eyes had my cock pulsing as goosebumps spread across my skin. I sneak a glance down, my eyes rising quickly at the site of his fully erect friend.

His hands trail at my sides, the contact sparking a shiver throughout my body as he teases me with his gentle touch. His fingertips continue to caress my edges until his sinks his fingers in tightly and pulls me to him.

I gasp slightly as our meet with a force, J groans his pleasure as his eyes flutter shut for a second. He rutts against me and a breathy moan leaves my lips, ecstacy and need breaking off of me in waves.

"L-Let's go in." I say pressing a gentle hand between our chest. I'd be happy to let him discover the pleasures available to us as mates, using my body as he pleased. But I didn't want to do it standing here in the woods, feeling ironically naked.

He frowns his displeasure, but doesn't fight me as I lace our fingers together and pull him towards the water.

The moment his toes meet the chilling water, he jolts back pulling me with him. I chuckle before pulling him with me through his reluctance.

He groans his indignation but I ignore it as I tug him in further. When we were barely beyond our ankles and he began to whine I stopped immediately and looked to him.

"It'll warm up." I say tip toeing to hold his face between ny hands. "I promise J."