Jayson's P.O.V

The sorrow came hard and fast and so did the memories of that horrid night. That despicable night in which I lost it all. I saw my father, fighting to protect my sister and me, only to be torn down by three rogues.

I saw their teeth sinking into his flesh and tearing it out, some them break his bones like feeble twigs. I saw the light leave his eyes as he left us.

I sobbed and wailed, hating myself for not being able to fight back, for not being able to protect him the way he'd always protected me. The way he'd done that, right until his last breath.

. … there was nothing you could do - Roger reminds me, his voice heavy with grief.

That doesn't make me feel any better

Alpha Reyez saved my sister and I, but he couldn't protect both of us.

My heart clenched and unclenched, thumping vigourously against my chest as it all came crashing down on me.