Damon's P.O.V

"Hey Damon!" Simon calls as I walk down the front steps. I look around the crowded car park to find my usual group of friends sitting around their cars alongside some hovering extras.

I glance across at my own before heading their way and forcing a smile.

"We're going to grab some food before we head to Megan's house," Simon says and I glance briefly at a waving Megan. "Want to come with?" He finishes with a raised brow.

"I already have plans," I reply with a shrug. They groan their disappointment and I groan internally at this conversation. "Next time."

"You always say that." A girl who I think is called Belle, I'm not willing to bet on it though.

"Because I always have shit to do," I reply and they laugh at this. I wave them off and take my leave, making my way to my car where my brothers and sister are already waiting for me.