Damon's P.O.V

I decided to follow Blaze's lead and get up. One glance out the window told me it was night time, I'd basically slept the whole day and I was pleased with that. I'd fallen asleep in the same clothes I'd worn yesterday, my favorite knife still tucked into the small at the back of my belt.

I check my phone out of habit, rubbing the sleep from my eyes when I remember that it's dead. I hold it for a moment, trying to decide between charging it or leaving it as it was.

You need time Damon - Theo inputs, his voice as kind as always. Time on your own, away from the pack.

I don't want to be away from the pack - I reply honestly as I stare at the blank device.

It's what you need right now - Theo confirms with encouragement.

Theo was right, I knew that much, but putting away the only connection I had to what had only two days ago been my entire life was not as simple as he made it seem.