Damon's P.O.V

"Okay, see you later," Will replies, completely oblivious to my struggles as she entered her apartment while I bolted for the stairs.

You can control this Damon - Theo tries as I sprint my way through the town, trying to find the closest escape to woodlands.

Not now Theo - I snap back angrily as I sprint, pumping my legs faster as my body weighed itself down on each bone, begging to break them into a shift.

You don't have to hurt to feel better - She argues as I spot the first sign of woodlands.

I shoot forward, crashing to the ground the moment I was far enough out of sight to shift easily. I rake the floor with hazed eyes, barely warding off the shift as I searched for masking elements. I grab the first set of weeds I need and drench myself in the plant.

Then I let go.