Damon's P.O.V

I growl lowly at the sudden visit but make my way to the door nevertheless, I swing it open and freeze when I find Will standing on the other side. Her ready smile slips slowly as her eyes move from my face, tracking their way down to take in my appearance. I hold still, feeling heat embracing my neck at falling under the scrutiny of my mate.

I force myself not to cover myself, hoping and praying to Goddess herself that she was pleased with me. My mind tries to quell my worries by reminding that she probably couldn't see everything, but I dismiss it because my mind is an asshole.

Will's throat bobs as she swallows tightly, her eyes remaining on my abs, not even bothering to glance up to my face as she opens her mouth to speak. Her mouth wobbles as she tries to formulate words but fails, the little fumble making Theo howl with deep delight which ripples through the both of us.