my type of raid and asserting dominance part 2: bloody operation part 1

(A/N:I bet y'all thought I was done didn't you but fan I don't cap because I'm goated and fam for this return you'll get a new feel also POV changes enjoy)


team Yui was all posted on the building in front of the roof door ready for action Yui was standing in front about to bust down the door until a question came to her mind "ok team why I'm all for taking in this raid have any of you ever taken lives before?" the to her surprise they all nod "damn I was hoping to screw with you but if so I'm going to make you guys to something extreme ready to hear it?" she asked smirking with no answer she continued "whoever is in that building I want you guys to make a mess to send a message of fear because the weak back off if you scare them enough leaving the one providing a challenge for us". "that sounds a bit risky for our first operation but if you think it'll leave such an effect I can go with it I'll do it then" Todd said Yui kicked down the door which loudly tumbled down the stairs almost immediately a bunch of footsteps was sounding heading up "make it gruesome ok " Yui ordered the security personnel were in sight of them "hold it right there what is the meaning of this" the lead of the group asked "oh its simple you've all been signed up to a massacre unfortunately there's no way to get out of this since I personally haven't smoked enough packs since I got here you know?" Yui said pulling out a boss labeled "collateral pack" that seemed to piss them off "your outnumbered 37 to 5 yet you still mock us" before more could be said the whole stairway was frozen freezing them all in place "my apologies but I'd like to handle you guys quickly you know" Todd said as the whole lot of them froze over. "perfect now let's get to the best part shall we " Yui says jumping in front leading the way.

they reach a door but before anyone could think of opening it a hand burst through it ripping it off its henges a man with night-black hair and tone muscles stood his robe flowing "this is the end of the line my name is Obihiro and I'm going to put you in your place villains" he said before rushing at Yui who smirk "oh you're approaching me?" she said with a smug look on her face "can't beat you up if I'm at a distance" he said "well then come as close as you like" she said aiming a punch with him doing the same they clashed "your too easy" *splash* a dark spike impaled the dude from the neck up before "yeah, I don't fight fair" the spike disappeared the body dropped in a pool of blood "now then I wonder if there's anyone better cause this is a breeze so far".

to be continued

(omg omg I've been so out of it I forgot to drop this so sorry I was busy with life and other works however I think it's time for a revival so don't expect such a long break again! leave Your thoughts and suggestions in the comments and I'll be back peace 😶)