Zeus Pov

I kick open the door and enter in the house. we were in a hall that was bigger than the house on the outside. It was a vast hallway that had various riches in glass cases along the walls. The walls were lined with black round columns chiseled with a checkered pattern. The walls were painted red like the floor and it went up high into a rounded.

The walls were painted red like the floor and it went up high into a rounded ceiling. The ground was covered with a black carpet with a green 'H' embroidered on it. There were no torches and the light came from everywhere, dismissing all shadows.

Form my kicking the gate Three girls flew a few feet off the ground in front of me. They all looked the same. They were short at only about four and a half feet. Their crimson hair ran free down to their waists. They wore a red cloth over their flat chests and torn up, black wings sprouted from their back, each one almost their entire height. Another strip of cloth wrapped around their waists, barely reaching to half their thigh, leaving much to the imagination.

(I don't like these types of girls showing so much skin. I thought)

I dismissed it and looked at their weapons of choice. The girl on the left had a scourge.

flail clutched in her hand. The handle wasn't long and at least ten stips of black leather hung down. On the end of each strip was a curved hook made of that lifeless black metal.

The girl on the right had a long red whip. It was just a normal one, besides the small spikes. The center girl had another red whip. But this one had large pieces of black metal along with it. Looking closer, I realized it could probably shorten into a sword. They all smiled down at me. I could see their thirst to inflict pain in their black eyes.

I can see fear in face of Hades how is trying very hard not to wear the helm.

They split apart and surrounded me after landing. The flail girl laughed. Her voice was sweet and terrifying at the same time. Like a psychotic torturer.

I enjoyed Barking people's hopes up so I didn't do anything and just watched.

Then one of the girls said.

Girl: Look, Tisiphone! he returne once again with his brother.!"

then the second girl said.

Girl: Son of Kronos, you escape the first time but this time you with your brother going get hell here. she growled the one I assumed was Tisiphone. Her voice was scratchy and coarse. She had the sword-whip.

Tisiphone: You were foolish to come here once again. We'll not let you escape this time and no one will come here to save you.

then the last girl said

Girl: "Don't worry. They scream only at the start, the last girl said. She had a mature voice. While the first girl sounded insane, she sounded more mature. Cold and calculating.

Hearing their words of choice I started to laugh.

Zeus: Hahahahhahahahahahaahhahaha oo in the name of me hahahahhaahahhas.

3 girls look at me as if I was gone insane then the middle girl asks me.

Girl: What are you laughing at sister, did he go insane what we just said is some kind of joke to you.

I look at her and answer.

Zeus: Yes it and I have to say it was a very funny joke, how will you feel when the same sentence is said by an ant to you it's pretty funny.

They look pretty angry when I said this. and I have enough enjoyed today's so I go my thunder speed.

The next moment I was in front of her, her nack was my hand then I look at her eyes then I break her nack and increase her body temperature so much that she becomes ash.

it happened so fast that most of them aren't able to progress what happened I then looked remaining two sisters And did the same to them.

Before they even knew it they were dead then I turn off my speed mode. then I look at hades how still progressing what happened then he looked at me then ashes that were near me then me he before he can say something I said.

Zeus: Do you see hades that are how kings deal with people who don't know their lines and limitations.

he then gulped and nods me then I said.

Zeus: Let's go we have much to do.

We then exit the mansion and started to walk

Straight because I knew those girls protectors of the Thorne of underworld.

we walk 2 hours Straight as we walk the coldness and number of souls increase then I see a pretty big castle and I knew inside the castle the throne of the Underworld. (and I can now feel 2 people are eyeing on us I knew the first was Nyx because I can feel her presence and she is keeping her eyes on me as soon as we wanted the Underworld and the second must be Thanatos the Grim Reaper of Greek Mythology one of the first death gods. I thought)

I just ignore Thanatos and (I will talk to Nyx when I will returne.)

We then walk towards the castle it only takes us 5 minutes before we are in front of the castle then I asked.

Zeus: Hades do you feel something because I can feel your divinity towards the underworld increasing.

Hades: Yes brother I can feel it something inside the castle calling me out and I can also feel as if this is my place.

I then nod him and started to walk towards the throne room it takes us 2 minutes but we are now in front of the throne of the Underworld.

I then said.

Zeus: Go sit on the throne and try to remain conscious because it is going to drain you like you are some kind of battery. I will try to supply me mana so you won't die.

he looks at me as if I was joking but still sits down on the throne.

As soon as he sits down I can feel his divinity and mana start to drain from his body he started to close his eyes then I go in my lightning speed mode. I placed my hand on the throne and started to supply my mana it started to drain me but not as fast as I regained my mana with my speed.

It only takes 2 minutes but it was done I remove my hand from the throne I can see Hades was unconscious. (If he trained with me this has not have happened. if I was not here he was dead for sure.

at least he is now as powerful as Kronos.)

then I said.

Zeus: You can come out he is out for time. I can feel your presence from the start.


That's it, folks, please comment give some power stones

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readers compelling about thinks and normal scenes so I use() when they were thinking comments if like it on not

And never forget mc is evil super Evil and a beautiful girls lover

please share I didn't see much response on this fanfiction I think if this is going on I will don't uploaded daily basis

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✌️ Peace ✌️
