CHAPTER 29 Reedit

Poseidon Pov

"Anyways," he said. "We were able to get some work done while you were gone. Zeus fought Atlas's brother Menoetius who was... well... less than worthy of my presence you could say." Hades raised his eyebrow and I smiled. I was a bit busy but it did sound a bit underwhelming. Zeus shrugged. "I had climbed the mountain he was on and just discharged a shit ton of fresh lightning on him and he disintegrated."

I rolled my eyes. It probably didn't go like that but Zeus was weird like that. "I had fought Iapetus himself. It was pretty intense but I learned a neat trick." I rubbed my hand together and smiled before growing to twenty feet. I had to be on my knees and bent over to fit in the tent. "Yup, I've learned the secret behind being able to sit on mountains. I'm a genius."

"Why did you target those two?" Hades asked after giving me a nod.

"Well, we couldn't get to Atlas himself. We've tried multiple ways for two years. So we went after his direct family to try and draw him out or at least break his spirits. You know he's the one making all the plans for the titans. He was the main figure for preparing the invasion."

Hecate shook her head. "Well instead of crushing Atlas spirits, you've essentially defeated the people he cared about most and he wants revenge. You've turned a problem into a catastrophe."

I shrugged. "This entire war is a catastrophe. I mean, look at us." Most of us had started this war with an almost carefree attitude and things were only getting better and worse at the same time. We were defeating titans left and right, but we still weren't too confident about fighting the Lord of Time, Mad Dad Cronos, as I called him now."

"So what's the plan?" Hades asked, drinking down the third cup of water.

"Well, we for sure can't let them invade us. So the day before the barrier falls, we're going to march right over to Cronos annoying ass and throw him in Tartarus," Zeus explained.

"There's still the slight problem of his powers over time but Themis has trained

us in what she calls, Theory, for years now.

Honestly, Zeus may be the only one who

could hold his own." I said. I didn't like to admit it, but I wasn't too confident in fighting Kronos. Not to mention Atlas was no doubt going to be there.

Hades grew a dark frown at my words. "I think we'll be able to handle it. I may have to try out this Theory you talk about." He looked at Themis and she nodded.

Metis cracked her knuckles and stretched. "We will work on battle plans. Hades you should rest and practice Theory." We all got up and went about our business. Hades want some rest I went to go train.

I was a nervous wreck. I couldn't stop thinking of fighting Cronos and had nightmares every night. I was honestly better off fighting Atlas instead of our father. Zeus was always confident but he had fears too.

(Yea Sikes)

He was going to have kids in only a few months. If things didn't go as planned, he'd never meet them and I could sense his anxiety with our new connection. (Sike)

 I spun my trident and sliced a tree in half. It immediately grew back and I looked behind me.

Demeter was standing behind me with her

arms crossed and frowning.

"What are you doing?"

"Uhh, training?"

"These trees are living beings too, you know." She walked over and rubbed the bark. Even though we had already reached maturity, Demeter seemed to have still grown a few years older. She kept her blonde hair in a bun still but she had grown a few inches and had bags under her eyes, showing how much work she's been doing. Her hands looked rough from handling the sickle, but they were reverting to normal at a visible rate.

"Give them a few years and they might get a nymph." She slapped me on the forehead. "Use those boulders or something instead."

"Yes ma'am!"

She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Where's Love Zeus? I need to ask him something."

"He should be making battle plans with Metis right now."



Metis Pov

Metis is lost in thoughts about her talk with Zeus.


Zeus: Metis love please sit down We need to talk about our future my future.

Metis after sit down and ask.

Metis: What do you have to talk about and why do you look so serious.???? I don't know what we need to talk about in what future????



please comment give some power stone 

I know today's chapter was not long sorry about that 

Zeus going to reveal his future plans and relationships can anyone guess