And we teleport away. I then appear inside the prison cell. As Nyx started to look around with curiosity I instructed the golems to imprison them and guard them.

Then I teleport away and the next second we appear outside of the castle. Nyx Stared to look around with astonishing looks on her face.

Nyx Pov.

As we appear inside a large prison area for 5 seconds later we once again teleport.

In the next second, we appear outside of a giant castle As I looked around what I saw feel was truly mind-blowing As I visited this dimension many times before now everything was a changed as everything looked very wonderful and the amount of mana in the atmosphere was too much for such a low-grade dimension and I knew this was must be Zeus doing So I asked him.

Nyx: So why this amount of Mana here.

Zeus: Well let's just build something that generates Mana and release it into the atmosphere. He said with a smile.

After hearing him I was amazed that can create something like this was even possible. So I ask.

Nyx: This is even possible.

Zeus: Well my lovely wife when you are with me everything is possible as you already know it by my power and you're increased power. He said while looking at me.

I nodded as he really did the impossible. I thought.

Zeus Pov.

After she nods I said.

Zeus: Let's go meet your new fellow Sisters.

She nods and we started to walk toward the kitchen area where they all were sitting and talking about plans.

5 minutes later we enter the kitchen area as we enter all the wives looked at us and winked.

As everyone goes silent I walk into the center of the place then sit down on the couch and said.

Zeus: My wives as you can see I'm reture and meet your new sister Nyx.

After I said that Nyx walk into the area as they Saw Nyx they jump on her and started to ask their questions.

While they were talking Metis walked toward me and then sit down on my lap and asks.

Metis: So how was my lovely husband able to convince Goddess of the night to be his lover.

Zeus: Just like I can get this beautiful lady who's sitting on my lap and all these ladies. I said while my hands were on her big belly.

After hearing me she giggled while Athena kicks the belly. Then she asks.

Metis: well that's aside what do you plan to do with

Themis as she does not return yet.

Zeus: I dont plan to do anything as she was the one to leave she decided that she isn't able to accept my conditions So I gave her freedom that's what she wanted. I said with a grim mood.

As I talk to the girls about relationships she decided to leave as she didn't want someone who is no better than Titans. That time I thought she will come to her senses after some time later. But she still did not return yet. But I have to go and look for her as Meteor can come at any time in 4 months. I thought.

Metis: Dont you think she should be with us in the family as she is the only Titanesses that is out of your claws as she has a special attraction towards you as her Divinity and Divinity are the same. And I saw the pain in her eyes when she was leaving And I know that you also like her. As dont, you think it's time you talk to her one last time. And see if she changed her mind. If not then you can leave her alone as she wants. Think about maybe she changed but can't come here because of shame and regret. As I dont want a girl that we lived with for more than 2 years to lose herself just because of a stupid decision. Just think about it love.

After she said this she gets up and kissed me on the cheek and walk away to join the girls.

She was right I should at least give it a try as there is nothing to lose here just a try and if we can still work on this relationship I thought.

Important to read the Notice

So after chapters later.

So I plan to send Mc on his first Dc different world So you can write any of your favorite universes in the Dc multiverse

Well my bro you are right but I said the machine that will give him the power.

So to give the power it must explode so it will give him power and also affect the time stream and throw him into a different universe

he will get power then an accident will haven that will send him into a different dc world if you dont choose it then so I will do it or not.

I will And sorry for such a short chapter so sorry. I am super busy today



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DC almost lost its best superheroes

Did you know that DC almost sold the rights to Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Batman - and many other members of the Justice League? When struggling for money in 1984, the comic franchise actually offered this to the big wigs at Marvel, but it was rejected! Can you imagine if it actually went through?


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