I let loose my grip and see if she was ready but before I kiss her she jump on my lips and start

to kiss me So I did what I can do why batter then her and started to kiss her.

After a long and wild kiss, we separate I saw happiness in her eyes So I didn't ask anything and said.

Zeus: So ready to return to your new home.

Themis: Yes love and I am sorry for hurting your feelings I know I was stubborn that time And I can't tell how much I cried for what I did if you want to punish me then please do it I will accept any punishment from you. She said while some tears dropped from her eyes.

Hearing her I hug her and said.

Zeus: Yes you will be punished and your punishment will be you will forever be mine do you understand.

After hearing me a giggle escaped from her mouth as she said.

Themis: Yes, I will forever be yours and yours only.

After that, we talk more about how she was and how I was doing, and how girls were doing for some time later Prometheus returned so I said.

Zeus: Let's go we should return as my wives will be waiting for me.

After hearing me two of them nodded so I teleport outside of Olympus Mountain then I send Prometheus to we're all the titan's lives after he was gone I grab Themis by her waist as Themis was looked around the dimension with bought wide open like Prometheus So I ask.

Zeus: So do you like it.

After hearing me close her mouth looked at gave a light kiss and said.

Themis: No I love it this is amazing as you really build a haven in here I can't even believe that someone can have half as good imitation as you I love.

Zeus: Well it's good to hear as it took me more than 7 days to build all this but that's aside let's go meet all your sisters.

She nodded and the next second we appear inside the same room where I introduce Nyx. As all the girls looked at me and then Themis and smiled while Themis's head was down. So Hestia get up and walked toward gave me a quick kiss then grab my hand of Themis and force her to move toward all my wives.

As they all started to talk to her So I let them short out things with Themis alone. As I have Some rings to build. As for the preparation is happening now by worker robots.

So I tell them I have something to do they all nodded as they all knew I have to build some rings.

In the next second, I appeared in my forge.

So I have to build every ring, especially that will shout thair personalities and Divinities and give these rings something that will able to keep them safe. as I don't have any deterioration of metals and gems. I thought.

So I take out Proto Adamantium, for strength

Uru Nth Metal, for magic enchantment

and last Unobtanium for any type of environment

from GOB.

Then I take out the most beautiful Gems Purple for Hera, Black For Nyx, Sky Blue for Themis, Orange for Hestia, Light purple for Metis, Blond for Amalthea, Light green blond for Rhea, and so on.

As for this are very special as they absorb mana and make themself stronger. I thought.

So I started to make the rings after 2 hours later I was done making all the parts now just remained was to assemble them and enchant them. As I was done with the grinding and making.

So I started to assemble them. After 15 minutes, later I was done So I activate my lightning speed and started to feed all of the rings magic 1 minute later then I cast A which will activate whenever its wearer's life force is decreasing at a very high speed So it will teleport its wearer to the throne room of Olympus. But it can only work if the opponent is not a reality bender as even I can't do anything in this case but for not a long time. And rings can't be taken out without my permission.

As I feed magic for more than 1 minute, after that I stop and stop using my lightning speed as everything was done I then gave a final check then pack them and place them in GOB.

After I was done with this I teleport away.

Time Skip.

So today is a very special day As it's nearly evening I am in my room. And getting ready for the wedding So I am wearing a black-green tuxedo after I am was ready I walk towards the area where the wedding is held.

I am done checking my today's projects as the first T800 is working very well and now Venessa has started to build a factory for mess production. And

practical teleportation device is 96% charged and will be in full charge after today. I thought.

While I stop thinking as I enter in the ceremony place All the Titans that didn't come for war were present here even Hecate is here she is looking beautiful. nd I even live casting all of this in the prison cells where all the Titans were to torture them as I am getting married to their wives and daughters.

As the host of the ceremony was no other of the oldest cyclopes Arges who was also wearing a suit will oversee the ceremony.

When all the Titans saw me they bowed their heads

I node them and walk towards the center of the places where all my beautiful wives will come.

So it didn't take a long before all my wives walk in.

When I saw them my eyes were open wide as every one of them was wearing a morden style, Marriage gowns that match their hair color like Demeter is wearing blond white, Thea is wearing brown Blond,

Eurybia is wearing a black-purple, and Clymene is wearing white-blond and so on.

Important to read

Sorry late chapter so the next chapter will be the last chapter of this volume and Sunday we will begin with Injustice world thanks for the support. Please give some power stone to show your support, please


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Alan Moore had regrets over Batgirl

The Killing Joke is one of the most iconic graphic novels ever created, largely thanks to how dark it is. One of the main parts of the book sees Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) shot and left paraplegic. Alan Moore, the creator of the story, later admitted that he had regrets over this plotline and felt like he went too far. 


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