Zeus: Well your Son and husband waiting outside with all the super friends let's give him a surprise.

As they started to fellow me fearfully

Now I need to solve a problem which is how Wonder Woman is born. I thought

As she is supposed to be my daughter in every universe in every multiverse. only One Me/Zeus or any god other gods out there that are original gods and born from God wave as we gods are singularities in every multiverse which means we only exist currently if anyone travels in the past or future and kills us nothing will happen to us. That's why Kronos just didn't go in the past and kill me. And also if I or any god travel direct God children travel in the past or future they will not find themselves as we are singularities which means only one I can exit in a timeline as if I travel to the past I will not find my past self as only current me can exist in a timeline and same with future.

And with these rules, one me out in this multiverse then how Diana is born as I didn't have any plans to fuck every Hippolyta that is out there in this multiverse like My counterparts who just send their avatars and fuck Hippolyta as I only going to fuck My Hippolyta the original universe one. So now the question is how Diana princess is born with me. Does this means she is the daughter of some other god but is so does this some gods of earth remain alive or free from my plans to enslave every god and use them as a ############### or anything else and I have a very promising theory but it needs to be confirmed and she exists on this earth 22 means she exists in every universe in some form. I thought as I reach the outside of Fortress of Solitude.

I saw many many superheroes trying to enter even some half villains there are from Shazam to Raven to Batman's whole team/Batfamily, caption atom Martian Manhunter, even flesh, plastic man and even Amazo, is here they all trying to get in but was useless as when they saw me all of them stop and when they saw Lois walking behind me their eyes become wide open but I ignore them and look at Diana she looked very gorgeous similar to comics.

I then turned off my force fields and walk toward her. As everyone saw force fields just disappear superman comes flying towards me but then he takes a cut and flies towards Lois and his father and mother.

3rd Person Pov. After Zeus leaves

As the giant man teleports away all the people who heard him just ignore it then superman flies towards flesh and started to check him as he saw he was out cold from the shock. his arm was completely healed but his legs were healing at a very slow speed so he contacts the hall of justice and says.

Superman: hello, it's superman to justice league it's an emergency It's a beyond omega level threat

we need help from a very powerful being who called himself a God just take the body of Lois and injured the flesh seriously, and somehow stop the flesh healing factor from working. I will send you the footage of all that happened we need as many people as possible as he said an earthquake of 15 magnitudes will come in 2 minutes 55 seconds in the central city and I don't think he is lying as I can hear tectonic plates moving.

After he said this he disconnected the message looked at the all heroes and said.

Superman: Ok cyborg takes the flesh out of here. And guys try to save many people as you can and after 2 minutes and 50 seconds if can't fly get out of the city.

After he said this he fly away all the heroes started to save the people while they were saving people as 3 minutes passed most of the city is empty as the whole city started to move buildings started to fall superheroes were flying in the air checking if anyone remains as the magnitude of earthquakes increase hole city started to fall down and in just 2 minutes the whole city becomes a ruin as nothing remain standing as thousand of people.

As the whole world watches this with fearful eyes as to how a single being without doing much turned a whole city in a ruins. As the whole world is in fear of their governments.

All the superheroes who come for help after Superman's call were waiting in the hall of justice as they saw this now lost for the words they understood how much danger that being is.

Then Superman receives a live video call from the Fortress of Solitude as he saw this he lost his mind as he saw the man now was In the Fortress talking to his parents as he saw this he lost his mind and fly towards Fortress at the highest speed while flying he knew he will be not enough to handle that man so he contacts all the Heros who were in the hall of justice and another superhero and said.

Superman: It's me Superman to the hall of justice

the beyond omega level threat is inside my home

Fortress of Solitude taking my parent's hostage I don't if I can do this So I need every one of you so if can hear me please come to the location I am sending you.

Sorry for small chapter but tomorrow is Sunday so it will be a big chapter don't worry


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Comic Sans was Inspired by DC

No one likes Comic Sans, the infamous typeface that anywhere outside a comic book looks quite childish. Designed to look like classic comic text, you'll be shocked to learn that the typeface was chiefly inspired by the lettering penned for Alan Moore's famous Watchmen, and The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller.


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