As he reaches outside all the superheroes look at him but he just ignores them all and started to walk toward them.

3rd person Pov.

As Zeus walks outside force fields disappear all the superheroes look at him with fear while the whole Justice League stands in front of him but just ignores them and walks toward them. As after talking to his parents and wife superman flies toward him while saying out loud.

Superman: Give me back my daughter.

As Superman is about to lead his punch Zeus grabbed his hand with one and instantly stop him look at him in the eyes and said.

Zeus: you don't need to scream kid I can hear you fine. I don't have any kids and as you saw she is now my daughter with a blood of a God running in her veins she was your daughter before but now her name is Eliana the second daughter of Zeus.

After he said this he punch him so hard that it broke superman's rib cage as Superman send flying at supersonic speed.

As all the superheroes saw this now they were full of fear of someone they believe to be a god being punched by a being calling himself a god Zeus.

After hearing this Batman's mind works at very high speed as he just received the identity of the being and he called her his second daughter which means he just time travel he then looks at the all the magic caters and wonder woman as they know about Gods more than anyone. While he was thinking all the Justice league started to attack Zeus.

As Shazam with wonder woman comes at him in insane speed to punch but they both stop by his hand he grabs the hand of Shazam and started to apply so much force that he ripped the hand of Shazam.

As shazam screams he sand flying by a kick in his abdomen then Zeus looks at the wonder woman and asks.

Zeus: So Diana Princess how we're you born as you were supposed to be my daughter but before you answer it let show this world the best of their life.

After Zeus said this Zeus close his eyes after closing his eyes cameras around him appear he then opens his blue shining eyes and smiled.

As we see after cameras appear around Zeus every electronic thing started automatically without any power or internet connection from the radio to Tv to phones to even anything that has a screen and can play video or audio. And all this started to show around the world in their language.

While Zeus we're smiling Cyborg All 3 green lanterns and all the superheroes fired hundreds of missiles bullets arrows from different types of Batarangs and many types of different projectiles

toward both of them But before they even come near them all the missiles stopped in the air. Everyone becomes speechless. Then with a flick of the "Zeus's" hand, all the missiles and other things started opening up and breaking down into their different components. Suddenly, unknown objects materialized from the air and attached themselves to the inside of the missiles. Then the "Zeus" made a clasping motion with its hand and instantly all the missiles closed up and returned to their previous states.

Zeus: I don't want to do this but mortals remain mortals they always try to be more I was working in peace but you came to stop me I even remain gracious enough and forgive you all but now you came here asked me, my Daughters let me show you what happened to spices when it angers A god and let the world see what is the true meaning of power. As once, God Said let there be light But I say let there be Carnage.

As a world with its superheroes watch and heard this with eyes wide open Suddenly all the missiles started flying backward toward where they come from much faster than before.

As some heroes saw their lives end the world closed its eyes or try to shut the thing in which they all saw this.

The moment the missiles made contact with anything many huge explosions occurred.

With a


As all the clouds in the area were gone from the explosion. All the ice melted under the extreme heat.

But cameras remain safe because they were surrounded by the force fields and live cast all this happened. same for wonder woman and the Lois and superman parents as they were also surrounded by force fields.

As a large amount of coldness and very cold airwaves started to appear around the air which stared intently colling down the area when everything become visible to see.

A black Grand Raven working as a force field and a giant mac a giant red tornado a giant white force field. Which disappears once the area becomes to live after the different types of force fields. we see all the heroes who created the force fields were falling down as they were sweating like no other

As we see most of the Superheros survive this besides some but we only see one thing like we see a trident. As all other things have been vaporized from the extreme heat.

All the world with their Superheros saw this with eyes wide open as many superheroes were just killed by their attacks.

As Zeus looks at this smiling as the camera looks at his face he said.

Zeus: Well that was average but let me show you how a real bomb works so be ready as the next one will much power full than ever saw it.

After he said this a very small golden portal opens in front of him and a very very small thing comes out of it.

He then snaps his finger as the camera zoom toward the small thing as it started to flesh at a very high speed then Zeus again as a force field appears around the heroes he looks at them and said.

Zeus: Well we don't want to distort whole continent right so be ready in 3 2 1.

As after the countdown the thing started to flesh at a very high speed after one the thing started to fall at superhero as ones they look at upcoming death.

While other heroes saw this and ones again they cratered force fields.

And then

💥 BOMB 💥


Please, please please please please please please please please please please comment, please, please, please 

Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support 

Please give some Power Stones, please 



So one time the living avatar of death for speedsters The Black Flesh run to kill wally weast

Flesh. So to defeat him the fucknig wally weast run until the end of time and ones he reach there as it was end of time death has no meaning there and this killed the Black Flesh. So he killed the fucking death.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones 

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✌️ Peace ✌️ 
