I need to talk to you about something important in the only family present.

After hearing me her body sighed in relief. As everyone gets up. After everyone gets up Hippolyta said.

Hippolyta: Yes lord please fellow me.

I nodded and started to follow her with Diana while all the Amazons looked at me with respect after some time later as we enter in the castle then we started to walk towards her room. When we reach her room I saw 2 female guards were standing outside of her room she nods to them as they leave. After entering her room I saw it looks good with a giant bed mid-times design after we entered the room she closed the door behind us.

I then snappy fingers as all the voices were blocked I walk towards the couch and sit down. As daughter and mother stand before me I said.

Zeus: Have a seat and you don't need to fear I said I will not going to do anything I just need some answers do you understand.

They both nodded as the mother-daughter pair Sit down in front of me. As their wild running emotions calm down So I said.

Zeus: So Hippolyta do you know who I am and how do you know that.

I asked because when she saw me her eyes were wide open as if she knew who I am. I thought.

Hearing me Hippolyta takes a deep breath as Diana looked at her and waited for her answer just like me. Then she said.

Hippolyta: Yes I know you are King of Gods' lord Zeus and how I know even I don't know it's just I know from my birth I can't explain it As I know Gods exist from my birth.

Ok, that's something but I need more answers. I thought.

Zeus: Ok I can understand it you know multiverse out there thus means every version of you should know about me. I said.

Hippolyta: Yes I know multiverse exists and I think every version of me should know about you just I like I know. She said.

Zeus: Ok you also must know that we Gods are singular beings and in a multiverse, only one god exists As I am only Zeus in this Multiverse we are

singularities like all Old Gods and New Gods. I asked as she know so much does she also know this.

Hippolyta: Yes I am aware of this like only one Darkseide in this whole Multiverse My lord. She said while smiling looking beautiful.

Oo she even knows about this. This is getting even more interesting. I thought.

Zeus: Ok so you know so much can tell me how Diana is born and who is her father as if you don't know I am supposed to be Diana's father in every universe by the Book of Destiny/Book of Souls. but I decided against it. No offense to you but I am not interested in fucking around every version of you out there. So I want to know how she is born.

Hearing me her eyes were wide open indicating that she didn't know about this topic. Then she controls herself and said.

Hippolyta: I don't know about this my lord as for how My Diana is born one night I had a dream. in the dream, I was told by a voice that I will go to give to 2 daughters, and this daughters will be the protectors of us and the Universe. And the daughters are gifts from the Gods of Olympus. And The GodKing Zeus.

Oo so it's like that Destiny must have seen my actions and saw it was not going how it was supposed to go and she can't just wipe me out as it will create imbalance in Multiverse. That misplaced can make this Multiverse collapse on it own which be the end of all things including her.

She can't create Old Or new Gods as we were born from the Gods wave which is come from the source itself. So she didn't do anything in my world but other worlds need Wonder Woman and she can't change much So she must have done this then She let the Fate take its course. And this is my theory on this matter but it could be entirely different but most clues indicate towards her. Or maybe reality just tries to fix itself and do this.

it's not that bat I even say it's Good as now I don't need to Fuck Hippolyta of Earth 3 to get SuperWomen (Diana) and Wonder Girl/ SuperWoman (Donna Troy) I thought.

Now the mystery was mostly solved It's time to leave as I can't do more than this as I can't just Go to Destiny or Kismet and ask them what is going on even if they can't kill me doesn't mean they can't imprison or torture me for some time so I am not strong enough and I know this So for now I have to work with theories. I thought.

I then looked at both of them as they were looking very nervous they are my wife and daughter even if another version of them. So let's give them some Gifts. I thought So I get up and said.

Zeus: Well thank you Diana and Hippolyta you both are a great help to me so as God I shall give you some Gifts.

As I don't need them and I have an unlimited supply of these tools and they can't do much the being I fight and I have many copies of this in GOB. I thought.

I then Open many GOB and take out a giant tube filled with Dionesium second pure version and said.

Zeus: This will give you control over death as and some powers as ones you bath in this it will give you superhuman powers and can revive anyone from a single price of bone or mussels.

Hippolyta's mouth was wide open when I said the effect of Dionesium while Diana knew what it was as she had seen its effects but she still looked shocked that I am giving her that.

So I once again opened many GOBs and take out different types of weapons made of different metals.

As they looked confused as if they are just shiny weapons So I said.

Zeus: Dont looks like every weapon you see here is made of priceless metals. Like this sword can cut through the Healing factor means wot this sword you can kill someone like with high level of healing

factor this shield can absorb most of the physical attacks and then reflect back with double power. This gauntlets can turn any metal into liquid ones if it collides with the metal and this sword is very strong against any being who comes from the Dark Multiverse. And many more you can find details about these weapons in this book I said while creating a book for them.

As both of their mouths were wide open when they heard my explanation about these weapons. After 2 minutes later they control themself but before they said anything I said.

Zeus: Yes I can give you all this but you have to take an oath that you will never go to give any of these gifts to any mortals and if it's a life life-threatening situation you can give them if it helps but you will take them back after the threat is gone you will take this back even if you have to kill the being who holds it.

Hearing me both looked at each other and nodded then Diana and Hippolyta come forward and kneel down then they say at same time.

Hippolyta: I Hippolyta in the name of my pride my people and my daughters I take an oath that I will never let touch any mortal or anyone the Gifts given to me by my lord King of Gods Zeus.

Diana: I Diana in the name of my pride my people and my mother I take an oath that I will never let touch any mortal or anyone the Gifts are given me by my lord King of Gods Zeus.

Hearing them I nodded and cast the binding ritual.

As the words appear on all the things I gifted them I nodded and said.

Zeus: Good very Good now you can take all of them as I have to go I have something important to do.

As both nodded said thank you for the gifts and after some conversations, I teleport away.

A Long Chapter

Important notice to read

So after reading the comments on the chapter I have some bad news and some good news.So good news Enchantress, Star Sapphire, Killer Frost, Hawkgirl, Supergirl, Katana, Adrianna Tomaz, Cheetah, Golden Glider, Tala, Starfire, or Blackfire or any other girl can work but needed votes. And bad news there is Only one Lilith the mother of Demons out there like Adam and Eve and She is

in Hell with Lucifer who can one-shot Mc as for Lady Death Dont exist in any of Dc Multiverse and if you and are talking about marvel or spawn one then I already have plans for that.

So think about something else has this adventure is about to be the end. So 3 girls need fast and if not commented he will go alone.

Well that's it, and yes today, is my birthday I am 18 now life is not that bad." So happy Birthday to myself.


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support 

Please give some Power Stones, please 



Crippling Regrets for Batgirl

The crippling of Barbara Gordon was one of the more infamous moments of the Bat-saga. When Alan Moore came up with the idea, he asked DC head, Len Wein if they were okay with it. Wein reportedly told him "sure, go ahead", as if they had no regard for her. Moore later recounted in a 2006 interview how he wondered if DC should have reined him in a bit over that.


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