After drinking such a shit my mood beach worse So I open GOB and take out the wine And Pour in into a glass and start drinking it while ignoring the looks.

3rd person pov

When Zeus throws the glass and started to say shit about drink they forgot breathing as every instinct they have developed said them to run as far as possible so them were so fearful that they fall unconscious with the bartender.

As a golden portal open in front of him they thought they were about to die so they close there eyes. Thos didn't close there eyes they saw he didn't take out a boom but this time it was a very beautiful bottle made out of Crystal filled with golden liquid.

As time every felt they didn't die so they open there eyes and saw him taking out a glass made of crystal he then pour the golden liquid in the glass and stared drinking as every one sigh in relief as the man smile was ones again back on his face.

As they saw him enjoying the drink all of them gulped down as they wanted to drink but they don't want to die by asking him. but some smart people knew it will just kill them if they try to drink something that made drunk thus being as there bodies will not able to handle it.

As time pass everything became normal as normal as possible in front of Zeus. But something astonishing happen as one of the lady stared to walk towards Zeus as everyone looked at her and try to force her to stop by glaring at her. But she didn't stop as she walk towards Zeus then she looked him. But Zeus dont even look at her So she asked without any fear in her voice.

Are you really a God.

And hearing no fear in her voice Zeus glance at her then he snaps his finger. As the woman looked around as she see everything has stop moving they were not even breathing as if the time is stop moving.

Then One's again Zeus Snaps his fingers Woman stared to change has her whole body changed and become normal then a mirror appears in front of her as looked in the mirror and then place her hands on her face then she bite her lips as if checking if its a dream or not then realizing that its not a dream tears stared to come out of her eyes then she said in excitement.

Yes its real I return normal I didn't think its possible but yes I turn normal as 5 minutes passed while Zeus just looked at and she celebrates her dream come true.

But 5 minutes later Zeus again snaps his fingers as the woman ones again turns as she looked before as time stared. As all her happiness was lost but before she able to say anything.

Zeus: Now you believe it Barbara Minerva or should I call you Cheetah and keep In mind I dont need to prove anything if I dont wanted it just I am happy today as my second daughter born and I got something very valuable with full of knowledge. So I be a benevolent god So say aske what you want

But you got keep in mind before saying I can

kill you before you can even think.

Zeus Pov.

I knew why she was here even if she got great beauty I need more as beauty is not all I search in a girl. I thought.

After Hering me she gasped but still no fear on her face then she takes a deep breath and said.

Barbra: So you can remove this as you just shown presently right.

Zeus: Yes of course what you got from a simple mortal from this planet and called herself a God It's laughable. But the question is not about If I can do question is about what you pay for it. I said while take a sip.

She looked at me the said.

Barbra: So what do you want.

Zeus: Worg question ones again the question is what can you give. I said while smiling.

As she stated to think I waited for as I have whole night to spend. I thought.

After 5 minutes later she said.

Barbra: I know I can't give you anything as a God you must got everything.

Zeus: Well you are right about that only thing I am look as Power and you dont have that nor you are the smartest. So now what can you give me.

Hearing she just look at the ground and didn't say anything So I just nodded and said.

Zeus: Well think about it fast as I will leave this universe for mine in some days now Good bye I have something to do and he is here.

After I said this I teleport away.

As next second I appear outside of Gotham City. As here I will find the hole in things one demon that cursed this City from 16s here I will find his Emanations of him as one of his unlimited power became a Great demon and cursed this City to be forever filled with evil with Holes.

It's time to look for Dr. Simon Hurt also know as Thomas Wayne, an ancestor and enemy of Bruce Wayne. As he is the only one alive who knows were

I can find the hole in things. As he himself is a kind of hole in things and his blood could be great Use.

Important notice to read

Sorry about small chapter am still ill as I have serious head pain with fever and Cold fuck my whole body is in pain I dont know what I just write I don't even plans to write it it just my fingers working I am sorry but my body is out of my control Sorry

And I know it don't seems but Mc In a multiversel level being even if he is super young so don't expect him to struggle to fight some mortals and Girls names were still not come so decided fast as it its not long as after tomorrow his fight/Play with him he will visit Green Lantern planet take knowledge then return to his dimension so decided fast

So after reading the comments on the chapter.So

The girls I am reading the most are Adrianna Cheetah, super girl, Blackfire so now its you to decide 3 of this girls.

So think about something else has this adventure is about to be the end. So 3 girls need fast and if not commented he will go alone.


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support 

Please give some Power Stones, please 



Superman and Flash Once Raced Each Other

It's one of the classic debates of DC mythology – "Who's faster? Superman or Flash?". Both characters have demonstrated that they can run/fly fast enough to go back in time, but whenever they do race, the competition always ends in a tie no matter how many times they try.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones 

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✌️ Peace ✌️ 
