Zeus said while looking at the heroes who remained standing with a demonic look.

As seeing Zeus fine a big relief comes to Kara's face same as Tamaranean Sisters As Komand'r flies high from happiness and then comes down and gave Koriand'r a hug which she never did So Koriand'r also hugs her while she also looked happy but she still didn't know why but we know we certain someone who can influence already exiting emotions to a very high level and he is contusion using this powers on her.

In the next second, Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein disappeared out of nowhere. As Dark green energy surrendered Zeus then Zeus disappeared and appeared behind Atrocitus then he grabs his ring finger rip out that finger from his hand he then disappeared and appeared in front of Carol Ferris he did the same he did Atrocitus he rip out her ring finger with her Star Sapphire ring Same happen to Saint Walker and Larfleeze then rip out Cyborg mother box and Orphanboxes he rips them out of his body he already had both Batman and Lex's boxes then he appear in front of Bane he picks him up broke his back grabs the Atomic Axe and disappears before Bane even feel anything as he was too fast time for him like its completely stopped only one whos keeping eye him was Kara who tried her best keep up its speed.

Then he appears behind Jaime and places his hand on his Blue Beetle Scarab as he can't just rip it out because it will still have its user conciseness So the first thing he did is turn off all the power supply then the Scarab returns its natural Beetle form when he disconnects then its nanobot that was inside Jaime immune system As he uses his electrical telekinesis as his own telekinesis nowhere near to manipulation such small things his while he still mastering Electric Field Manipulation but aside that he then pull back every nanobot to Beetle Scarab after it was done its legs and stings were still attach to Jaime skin then Zeus do the same and rip it out of his back.

He then disappears and appears in front of Stargirl grabbing her Cosmic Staff and disappearing next was Katana as he also grabs her sword Soul Taker takes a look at it said.

Zeus: Well it will be more useful than any weapons as I always wanted to find what a soul is and how to imprison it how to destroy it how to make it someone's slave and how to use it as energy.

he then the Soul Take and put It Inside GOB like everything he then appears in front of Solomon Grundy examines his whole body inside to outside. as he says.

Zeus: You will be a very useful subject Just like New Gods you are a being that soul never passes on nor is it touched by death you are very special as I am sure even new Gods die even for a limited time still we die even if I didn't see any black Racer for Uranus which means we will live longer then even billion or maybe trillion but we still die then our memories get wiped out but you are different as you will never truly die as your memories always come back So your soul will show me true secrets of death and Soul hahaha.

Zeus Pov.

After saying this I put Grundy into sleep then chains come out of the golden portal and drag him inside my GOB then I appear in front of Booster Gold I take his Legion Flight Ring, Power Suit I also take Space Museum Security robot the Skeets, especially the time sphere that was in his gauntlet as this one of many amazing technologies that I wanted but this very dangerous for me as I can only exist one time And if now I try to teleport in the Sphere of Gods it will have dire consequences as I am from past and without me there are no Olympian Gods so it will create a dangerous paradox which could wipe my own existence So frist I have to go in past just after I was gone then I will teleport in the Sphere of Gods.

When I came here he thought of many plans to retune in past like using The Flesh cosmic treadmill that is one of two reasons I only cut his legs but did not kill him or use Omega Bemas and fire it on myself go into the past use technology as I have now in my hands or use a lantern Ring and last that I don't want is get myself Speed Force and do that way as I already got too many powers to practice and master and I still didn't master my original Divinity Thunder as it has many uses which I am still working on and I also unlock my Other Divinities like Justice or Law that is one of the most important reasons I am taking the Helm of Fate with me. I thought.

I felt his ship has entered the outside of this solar system and would be here in some time So I first stop his technology from accessing the internet then I stop all the brain radio and many types of waves that were going in space so he doesn't get alert and run away as I can't track him and I don't have time for it. Then So let's end this as there was nothing good remaining to take even on this planet. I thought as I appear beside Kara. As Kara's eyes looked at me in slow motion proving she can see me. then it turns off the green lantern ring.

3rd person pov

As the world returns to its normal speed as most of the people screamed as their body parts were ripped out with their powers as every superhero looked at what happened to their acquaintance more fear appear on their faces as the whole world with its people saw the worst Jaime as his spine's thoracic"s two pieces was missing with its skin muscle tissue and everything with his Scarab as if someone has ripped out his Scarab with his bones and mussels.

As the cameras focus on Zeus Then with the world with the remaining people who were standing on the battlefield looked at Zeus. as they saw him he looked just like before without any scratches as Zeus's eyes turn blue sky turn dark and filled with dark clouds all over the earth all the light that is coming from the sun stopped by dark clouds as it felt like Darkest Night as arrive and the wind speed increased Immensely Then blue Lightning shine from time to time erasing and embracing Darkness as loud thunderous sounds could be heard all over the planet. The lightning started to dance around Zeus.

It all felt like Demons and Angles are coming at the same time. Then a very large same Size as the city blue lightning bolt comes down from the Sky as it collides with the city a large

💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 BOOM 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

This was much louder than before and then everything was gone not even dust remained while shock completely incinerated everything on its way only stopped by force fields only place that was not touched by the lightning bolt was the heroes who were only standing on a piece of land and around them, everyone became a giant hole reaching near ten kilometers down a whole city was gone just like and as the cameras flew up showing the whole city shot when the people with its heroes looked at this they forget to breathe as they saw only a giant ten kilometers long hole nothing but a hole. Then cameras flew down to show the heroes then they Zoom towards Zeus. As Zeus says.

Zeus: I had enough with the foolishness of your species as I need to see such a species that is hellbound to destroy themselves human species as a failed try, a doomed itself and I had enough of this I already gave you chance not to disturb me two times but you still came here without thinking of your consequences of your own decision.

Now be gone in front of my eyes before I kill you all.

super busy and sleepy


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



From Today I will start a new Fun fact how yo defeat every main mambers of justice league by Our Lord Batman

Batman's Contingency Plans


Kryptonite: Superman's most notable weakness is being exposed to radiation emitted from the substance known as Kryptonite. Batman himself possesses most of the Kryptonite given to him by Superman himself, as limited amounts of Kryptonite exist on Earth. Following Batman's fight with Superman, Batman has devised other, if not easily avertable solutions to immobilise or hold off Superman in combat.

Ionising Radiation: Another option Batman has thought of is trapping Superman in a room filled with ionising radiation (non-ionising radiation being what gives Superman his abilities from the suns rays) this would slowly but effectively strip Superman of his strength and render him unconscious, though Batman is unsure how to immobilise him without killing him using this.

Magic: He has no special defenses against magic, and thus, something that would magically affect a typical person would also affect Superman.

Sensory Overload: With his extremely acute senses, Superman can be overtaxed to the point of pain when encountered by extreme external stimuli such as hypersonics (hearing), balance, sight (flash bang).

Nuclear Weapons: Superman isn't immune to being damaged by nuclear explosions. They don't normally kill him, but they have been known to cause him a lot of damage sometimes. There have been at least two occasions where nuclear weapons nearly killed Superman. One of these occurred in the New 52 universe, and one in the Pre-New 52 Universe. In one case, he was left laid on the ground, unconscious and looking worse for the wear.

Lead: Lead happens to be the only substance which Superman's X Ray vision cannot see through. Therefore, it can make him vulnerable in certain situations by lessening his power.

Psionic Attacks: All Kryptonians have naturally poor defences against psychic and telekinetic attacks. While physically stronger than almost every being in the universe, Superman's mind is malleable for anyone who knows how to use mind-control.

High-Pitched Frequencies: His super-enhanced hearing leaves Superman vulnerable to certain frequencies that can be painful to hear. We're not just talking dog whistles here, but crazily high pitched frequencies that can make his ears ring. This ultimately mean that his power leaves him vulnerable to something that most people can't even hear.

Red Sun Radiation: One of the downsides to being a Kryptonian like Superman is that red suns have the ability to stunt his superhero potential. They do this by depleting his yellow sun reserves in order to weaken him and rid him of his powers. This weakness has been used against him multiple times, and is one of the most reliable ways to weaken the Man of Steel for a fight.

Electricity: He's shown a vulnerability to electric shocks. This vulnerability has been used against him by multiple villains and Batman himself. Both Live Wire and Conduit have used electricity against Superman, to weaken him or destroy him in a fight.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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