Brainiac's Skull Ship and inside it has one of the strongest machines by the mind standards. I thought.

3rd Person pov

As it flew it hovered just before cities people are freaking out as they had just witnessed a God that can annihilate anything with just thoughts now an alien ship in the shape of a Skull is hovering over cities and every news channel is playing this some news helicopter were showing this live.

When the heroes got this news a deep sigh escapes their mouths as now they have to now handle this when they had lost their strongest heroes.

As Batman called out every remaining hero to discuss about the threats.

Zeus Pov.

As the Ship hovered over cities I saw a large number of people watching this and many news helicopters were flying and recording this but I ignored them. While no one can see as we were I have cast a spell "Perfect Unknown" as I am sure he leaves after he saw as his intellect can know when can win or not and I dont want this as whit his help I will easily make Venessa a 12th level intellect as now she is 7th level with me just behind her I thought.

So after confirming the ship can't teleport I canst Dimension Lock then I knew this ship has hipper speed engines even If I stop the ship from teleporting it can still leave so first I let him access the Internet but I look down my own Information so he will be busy as after realizing he can access the internet he started to look it While he was busy.

I activated the highest level of my ESP with it I enter in his ship and started to turn off his speed ingenious without him knowing while we were easily able to enter his force field I was multitasking I started to delete every backup of his consciousness in the ship which was pretty easy never thought about some can enter in his systems and this pride will be his ultimate downfall like in every comic his intelligent force his to think there is no one stand against his so-called intellect.

Then I enter into his mind with this I am easily able to enter his own worlds net which also has many backups which is why I enter in it I then also started to delete his backups.

After that, I started to check every machine that could store his consciousness and I was right as he uploaded his backup every was on the ship in the robots without any access to anything so on know about this as even is this ship is destroyed he will still live in this robots.

But now I knew so also deleted his consciousness then I also did a second and a 3rd search to sure then I also deleted his consciousness from earth's internet as he was making copies here after that I started to take control of the ship which was pretty easy as he never tries to develop an Ai who controls the ship so it's just his consciousness who's done this if he lost consciousness the ship will fall like a bird who lost its wings and he can't just take control ship as he can only change bodies when his original body is destroyed that is because he thinks no one can destroy his original body.

He underestimated his opponents and he thought they were below his and his pride never let him use his intellect in the right way as he is one of the smartest beings in this or possible most multiverse and once again this case reminds me that no matter how strong or smart I became never let this get on my head never let the power drink me but I drink it. I thought.

Then after confirming now no copy is remain beside the original and I also have complete control of his ship I stop using ESP.

Have we reach the room where he sitting in front of us on his throne without even knowing he is doomed as I then I off his body without even him as like everything he still uses a power system and no matter what type or form of the power I can control it if it's not magical.

As I don't want him to let see me no matter how powerful I am I still not smart enough to stop him if he tries to find a way out of this as some smart people have a way out of every situation and I don't want this but once inside the Sphere of Gods all will be useless as I will let his intellect be a part of Venessa as I will rewrite his consciousness so only the raw intelligence remained so Venessa easily able devour him with that she could even able to evolve beyond this or maybe in the future she will even surpass the 12th level intellect gap that is on this universe peoples. I thought.

As I cancel the effects of "Perfect Unknown" as I looked at the lost body I then create 4 force fields around him then as I don't want to take any chances of him rebooting and waking up I also place a spell that will warn me when his consciousness shows even single moment.

As both Kara and Komand'r looked at him unimpressed at how easy he is turned off as I place him inside a special room of GOB that is full-on prison for people who were like him without any technology to access.

As we made our way towards out of the ship.

Kara: So now we will be returning home my lord. Asked Kara with a hopeful smile on her face.

Zeus: Yes we will be leaving this place now as there is nothing to do now. I answered with a smile.

Komand'r: He was pretty easy to handle I mean he didn't even install high levels of anti-ESP type technology. Said Komand'r who dont look any satisfied with how it turns out to be.

Zeus: Yea he was but is his pride and ignorance that it was his doom so remember never let power drink you but you have to drink the power as it goes

There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent. I said with a serious look.

They both nodded with shining eyes as if they had just received knowledge that was never known As we reach outside of the ship now people and heroes were looking at us with fearful eyes as now they can see us. But I ignored them and place a force field around the ship to make sure it was mine I then Open a very big GOB and put the skull ship inside then I take out the Time Sphere.

So volume ends here

Sorry about the small chapter


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



From Today I will start a new Fun fact about how you defeat every main memo of the justice league by Our Lord Batman

Batman's Contingency Plans


Batman has begun devising an altered version of Scarecrow's Fear Toxin which would cause Aquaman to become Hydrophobic, causing him to remain from any body of water and become weaker every second.

Other weaknesses include dehydration, such as placing or trapping Aquaman in a facility or suspended prison with nothing but dry air.

Red Tornado

Electromagnetic Pulse

Red Tornado is susceptible to being mechanically reprogrammed as well as control. Numerous times he has been altered to desdestroyinge JSA or the JLA.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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