after hearing she just nodded as she knew she cants do much here even if her cells are absorbing the energies from two suns but all the Mana in the air still makes it hard for her to use this energy.

As we flew towards the Royal hall while we flew both Kara and Komand'r looked around with excitement as this is a very unique and kind place filled with hovering Mountains and castles green lashes beautiful forests and lakes and rivers and streams and then their beautiful cities with many giant sculptures of different very beautiful woman's.

And five minutes later we reach the castle as we landed I felt all wives were inside which was as if nothing had gone wrong I then take out the Starfire tube from GOB she is now done processing all the knowledge that I gave her like Komand'r and now she is ageless so I open her tube take her out then wake her up.

As she woke up she looked around and when she saw me she jumps from my arms with a blush on her face and glanced around when she saw Komand'r she hugged her as both hugged and have some small talk. and waited for after explaining what happen but before anyone can say anything I said.

Zeus: you can talk later and control yourselves will be here forever so you got enough time to see it all now let's go you should frist introduce yourselves to my wives and remember to treat them properly you dont need to kneel or add lady with there names if you dont want they will have no problems as so you can talk to them if you want. Ok.

Three of them: yes my lord.

Zeus: Good now let's go as you will see the greatest castle you saw.

As we walk toward the room of Metis as everyone in that room has gone into labor as female Goddess doesn't feel pain from the labor they just feel exhaustion because of loss of energy in fact of a child is in the mother's womb is just created we can take it out as child will not die from anything it's he will not hold the potential that a child that was properly born from his mother.

And there is one rule that applies to every universe multiverse or omniverse  the stronger the parents cannot reproduce easily as the rate of pregnancy among any super strong species like us new Gods

is very low, sometimes requiring would-be-parents hundreds of years to produce a single child but we dont work like when I enter Olympus I can feel two new connections as both and after checking it I get to Know both Hera and Nyx are pregnant with Ares and Hephaestus and both are developing stages and will go to take years before both are born like little Athena.

As they both are going to be expensively powerful even more powerful than me when I was born same with Athena as the stronger their printers grow the kids will also be stronger as If I am not wrong it will take 2 to 3 years before anyone is going to give birth here.

And this time continues to increase as stronger we grow and some million yers later it will take hundreds of years just to conceive a child and more than ten years for its deployment. So yeah, power has a price I thought.

As we were walking 3 of them were looking around with sparkling eyes as this was the very definition of beautiful. As we reach the room I didn't knock on the door and the door was opened automatically as I entered everyone looked at me as everyone looked at me and when they saw me a big smile appear on their faces as they run towards me for a hug as they all hugged me.

As they all hugged me a smile appeared on my face as when whenever I saw them I am not able to control myself from smiling.

As we had a family hug after that I gave them lovely kisses then we all separated I walk towards Metis who was lying on the bad while I walk towards her Kara Komand'r and Kori entered the room with nervous smiles on their faces as all my wives looked at them with curiosity as they saw such beings like them that has this types of auras.

As all my wives looked at the girls I set beside Metis I then place my hand on her big belly as I felt it will not be long before she came out. I then kissed her on her head and to little Athena on the belly.

Zeus: So any discomfort pain or anything. I asked while looking at my lovely wife who is smiling looking at me.

Metis: No I just feel energy losses do you how much our daughter is draining me in these days.

Zeus: Yes I know that's why I have fit so many MAR.

Metis: Yeah, I know how much my lovely husband cares about me/Us but that's aside you came back fast. I even though you will miss the chance to be here.

Zeus: Yes and how can I miss the chance when I promised that I will be here when little Athena will open her eyes for the first time. I said with a smile and she just nodded while looking at Kara Komand'r and Kori.

As after some time girls let them in we were all set in different places I then Introduction them to my wives.

Nyx: My dear husband what they are as even I never seen this type of species. Asked Nyx's curiosity while my other wives looked at me with the same curiosity.

Zeus: Well I see you didn't read the books about the

species of the universe but let me explain well they are the next mortal races but different from some races are special like us their DNA is exposed to a very very small amount of Gods wave that creates us.

As so in some special circumstances they can possess different powers as Kara you see her cells able to absorb solar radiation given her different powers but this special circumstance does not apply to every species like both Komand'r and Kori they absorb star radiation giving different power and Martians they always have powers as they don't need to absorb anything.

I then explain in detail what is different what is new or old and many things.

Zeus: It works like that and what I explained is just a small part you can know more in the library. I said while looking at them. While all my wives and 3 new girls hear everything with interest.

After everyone nodded as they understand everything just a simple explanation.

Hestia: So you are saying those races will bear everywhere in this and many multiverses.

Zeus: Yes they will dear that's why we are Gods we are living embodiments of their existence

gods and new gods like me and you are self-aware ideas. they use concept weapons, new gods are incredibly powerful living ideas from a kind of platonic, archetypal world. as like without you there will be No lovely fire for anyone who prays to us. I said while looking at them.

Asteria: Then what about other Gods as I have read the books and found many many books about different gods are they are the same as us. Asked

Asteria with interest while others looked at me.

Zeus: Well you see they are the same but we are different from them as we are something that has given more that's why I had plans for Great War as Only Gods should exist is us High father and Darkseid. As Conquest is always my Goal. And let's aside that Nyx did you felt that. I said with a serious looked on my face.

So I plan to write a page just for Haram and update it whenever a new girl is added to it with her name and photos what do you think please comment


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



From Today I will start a new Fun fact about how you defeat every main memo of the justice league by Our Lord Batman

Batman's Contingency Plans

Martian Manhunter

The Martian Manhunter's most noted weakness is fire. Batman has devised a nanite virus which, if introduced into J'onn's body, would convert the outer layer of his skin into magnesium, causing him to burst into flames upon exposure to air.

Likewise, a substance taken into his body, such as drink or food, could be laced with magnesium carbonate, causing him to sweat out the magnesium, leaving his body highly flammable and leaving him too subdued to prevent being set on fire; the fire of which constantly burn, even under water or another extinguisher. Injecting the Martian with aluminium oxide is the only way to neutralise the magnesium.


Phantom Zone: Lack of raw materials can nullify his powers.


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