And Nyx and Hecate will be going with me.

After hearing me no one had much serious reaction that just seems too curious about it.

Hera: Can you do us a favor and tell us why are you going to Underworld and why, especially with Nyx and Hecate? Asked Hera with same after she isn't able to handle her curiosity. While other girls nodded after her.

Zeus: Remember once I talk about creating a soul contract for my subjects the Soul Geass I think can't leave this matter behind anymore As Now even Venessa has figured out how to restore cities now it's time I should be creating it as we also have to train them which can take years. So the best place to get knowledge about Souls is Underworld.

Zeus: And As for taking Hecate and Nyx because with Hecate Knowledge and experience of Souls can be useful and For Nyx Let's just their Is some pieces of a primordial that I needed to pick up and Nyx knows their locations precisely and if everything went well when we returne we will have a Soul Geass in our hands.

Clymene: Well it makes sense as it's been a long since you have thought about this and it's good after all waiting will give us nothing but can you tell us how long is gone take you in Underworld and when will be leaving? Said Clymene the question that all girls wanted to ask.

Zeus: Well to tell the truth even I don't know as Time In Underworld works different the other dimensions and it's always changing plus it's about knowledge about Souls it can take much time but I know it can't be longer than one year or smaller then a day it all depends on how time duration is going on current state plus after the Souls matter I also had to visit Tartarus and Collect all his body parts that are in the Tartarus.

Zeus: as Kronos sliced him into small pieces and scattered him in other mythological parts of the underworld. As for living, we will head towards the underworld just after we are done with this meeting As I already instruct Venessa about our next course of action if I take longer than a week

But Hera dont worry just Like Little Atena I will not miss my second daughter's birth. I said while looking at them as just hearing me I saw their lovely moods become grim especially my beautiful angels as possibly they will not see their dad for a year. But they also sigh in relief, especially Hera after knowing that I will not miss the broth of our frist daughter as she was petting her belly.

But all of them knew this was very important for our upcoming Empire and they also knew I will not take long. So al of them nodded with some sad and grumpy faces.

Then we discussed all the details and plans if it takes me longer than expected in Underworld. after talking out all the details and plans about the future. I gave the team a big old family hug and some long kisses I even kiss Kara Komand'r and Kori on the cheeks as our love relationship is still processing as we are only gone on some dates with all my girls as we all are deeply developing our love for each other.

Which sounds crazy as frist we fucked and then have a marriage its sounds like we are devolving but it's not like that but we are deepening our feeling for each other that no one should be able to influence.

Then I gave both of my angels some special kisses and love while promising them I will give them a great gift when I will returne.

Which was enough to lift their spirits I then gave them one final look and walk outside and have the girls have some talks with Nyx and Hecate as a short girls' talk.

While I was outside I looked at the beautiful sky. It was shining with glowing stars while cold winds touched my face I have very less times when I get to appreciate my beautiful life and how much I have grown from a pathetic mortal to a Godking with so many beautiful wives that mortals can't even imagine.

But I did break myself so many times to reach where I am now and still, I don't even start to climb the stairs of power I am still an ant and anyone can step on me breaking all this I created with so much pain and blood and I am nowhere near where I want to reach and still, girls were not enough after all if a mortal king can have more than 5 thousand wives that I a Godking future ruler of an omniverse empire should have more then them it's only right thing and even if it's wrong who can stop me No One. As Skyes are high and I want to fly higher than even the Skyes while looking down all creation.

Enjoy my life with girls and get enough power that this enjoyment can't be distributed by anyone. it was me being hypocritical but I can't help it that's who am, why else would I be running around getting more power and creating the Empire that goes beyond multiverses? I could always leave the problem to the rest and relax, with the power I have and I always get from the system I would be safe from the clashes that would arise but not for forever as I don't know if a reboot can happen in the real world especially the Death Metal as it affected even multiverse beings like Lucifer. As any crisis before this mega event never affected multiverse beings.

But I won't be able to tell that about the people I care about, I would be living the rest of my life here and I don't want to in my later life run around like an idiot dealing with problems nor do want to cry out after things get fucked up, no, might have to suffer a bit maybe too much now but later down my life I could relax with all my lovers and family.

Having this connection with me would make it such that should always be ready for anything and would always have the power to deal with it too, even if I show 100% of all my capabilities there would still be crazy idiots that would still aim for the ones that I care about, hence I would act before that, with all the power and Soldiers at my tips, I would rule the world the Universe the Multiverse

The Omniverse.

I thought while looking at the sky. Once all the girls walk outside I gave them One final goodbye and we teleport away as Nyx uses her darkness to teleport just inside the Underworld as I like to have a walk to observe Souls and see what Underworld has to offer as I am sure it has greater Treasures that can be turned into dragons.

it's just life becomes very hard to control. So many and so much fucking Money problems. It feels like I can snap at any time.


Please give me some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



During the 2000's DC shifted its focus to the renewed interest in Batman due to the new Christopher Nolan film Batman Begins.


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