important to read at the end of the chapter


I thought While I stand before Death who looked sad but doesn't show on her face.

Death Pov

Well it seems The Day I don't want it to come is here standing before a special Man I learned so much from him from love to food, he is the one who teach me how to live when he is around I feel a special attraction towards him after learning about feeling from him I can say maybe it's love but how I don't know I don't have a Heart I am just Death I don't have anything but it's time to good-bye he has long before he even near to achieving his dream.

And watching so much I came to care for him and

When he came here and we spent all the time together I felt something inside me attract me to him everything I know about living now is because of him. I learn about him the more he talks more I like living alone for millennia is not easy so his company was great I get to know why he look for power and why he wants to conquer one reason for making scenes while others don't it's sounds like childish dream nut I accept it as it was a part of him.

We will definitely meet again I will make sure of it even If I have to defy Destiny for it as He becomes The light of this white place for me. As since I was born I have always here never able to see anything new I thought When This will end But since he is here I always watched him he was the best thing about all the creation Now not even my siblings are beyond me but he is beyond me and everyone else and he was most unique being and proof that. On an again when he enters here so no one without dying.

Suppose to come here but he does not only found it but also able to gain the book that is supposed to be a white showed him the Knowledge. He learns to manipulate Soul's most complex thing in all creation. But now it's a long way as even though I am only two levels up from him but I did never try to get more power which could change. I thought. While looking at him.

Zeus: "Well it's time to say goodbye time is running out your company is great and thanks for having me." he said with a smile.

Death: " Well someone who's going to live forever you always complain about less time. But aside from that Yes It seems You have a long journey ahead of you now You have to learn yourself with your experience as now no book can teach you more than you already know I will miss you this past year It felt like you are part of this Dimension."

I said while looking at him I was somehow feeling pain for the first time.

He nodded as his soul started was about leave I garnered his hand he turned around I hugged him this happens many times as I like when I feel his warmth when all the coldness of death disappears I then kissed him on the cheek and said.

Death: Go there Conquer it all and remember I am always here for you. So go there, love. Show them why you are so unique. I said as he disappears with a shocked face because his time was already ruined out I was the one who kept him here.

As his soul vanish leaving me behind in this cold place alone as I was walking alone with a sad face I then come to the library where we use to sit and I saw Saw a Golden Portal open I then enter it I saw something unbelievable food, food and more food every were and many robots working making food and Latter which front has written.

From Zeus To Sweetest Death Of The Endless.

I won't able to control my excitement and open the latter.

Zeus Pov.

I open my eyes I was in my body as Move my body I felt pain to much pain in my head.

Fuck Fuck fuck

As I started to break things around me while grabbing my head tightly trying pain to stop I herd

two voice.

Nyx: Babe, Babe Are you ok with what happened? does hurting this much tell us something?

Hecate: Yes Love what happens to you does it hurt that much tell us something you are making us fear.

As both run towards and restrained me as I stop moving after more than 30 seconds or so seconds later the pain just vanished like it was never there. I then control myself to look around I saw both they had tears in their eyes.

So I did what a man does for his woman I hug them both they also hugged me back after a small hug we separate after separate I look around and We were in a room of Nyx my sense and all the stranger is out of my control, for now, it's going to take some hours before I was normal again, After all, I am living Like a mortal least a year so besides the speed I am like this.

Well, it was out of nowhere she really did that but not only kiss but also her words hahaha its works. I thought while remembering her kiss on my cheek a very good start.

After they saw me normal.

Nyx:" What happend love why are you in such gruesome pain as nothing happened to Hecate when she woke up? Said Nyx While Hecate nodded."

Zeus:" Noting Much Nyx it's just my sense returned at the same plus all the knowledge I collect also came and settle down so pain came from there you not yourself if you collect too much knowledge in the soul and when you return your body it's hurts pretty bad." but aside that how much time has passed. "

Hecate: "One year two weeks and three days since we came here but what knowledge and how your soul was out of your body when your heart still beets?" said Hecate while looking at me while Nyx nodded.

Zeus: "We'll it's a long story and I feel you on the way as Now we should be going let's collect all the parts of Uranus absorb them and we do with this place as we don't know what is going on in Olympus."

Both of them nodded as we flew away towards Tartarus while on the way I told them my story which shock them greatly, after all, I met three endless and got to live with one while I also got to knowledge. While I get to know Hecate just lost her consciousness and woke up when her body was done abjecting and adapting which took 7 months but she got much stronger and she also got some knowledge.

I also Grow stronger with new energy created and ruined in my body. But it was nowhere near the level of Knowledge I know and with that, I am much stronger than before as I know a technique or theory that should be able to complete neutralize any God or Being as even if I can't kill them this will stop them if they are not far beyond my level and I am going to use it on Uranus and pantheon there are too many gods.

As once I got a God of fire for my Machine what I will remaing once after all every pantheon have god of Fire, lightning, sun, water and so on. So I will keep the strongest Gods of each Divinity and others I have their Essence Divinity and Body absorbed by some who have the same Divinity and I will use this and throw them In GOB for later use when I learn even then Into energy. I thought.

Once We reach the place which was full of souls and monsters who don't try to approach us after finding a hundred parts of Uranus that were here I use my Gravity powers to their fullest and condense It was to the point its weight was near a neutron star turning even his body into energy completely.

Which exhausted me by Gravity energy

I then absorb it without any spell as from his strength to Divinity to Mana and everything that he has all flow into my body because my cells already have the same energy it devoured all that flows into them. As I felt Myself growing stronger going beyond the being of Law while My connection with Lightning Thunder and Sky continues to Grow.

But it stops because it was still not his full power as it was one-tenth of his total power plus he was not that powerful this energy was here because

I turned him into a ball of dense energy that even his body turn into energy.

As I am a man who likes to use everything that something can give so how can I let his body So After I grow much stronger than before and all the things were done. Nyx and Hecate walk toward me and Nyx said.

Nyx: How are feeling and are we done from here right Zeus? Hecate nodded while looking at me.

Zeus: Yes Love we are nearly done with just one small thing as we are here so we don't with that also. I said while winking at her.

Hecate: You mean you want to do it now this time really? Asked Hecate while confirming her doubt. with a smile that seems to be creepy but on her face its look beautiful. Same with Nyx who's giving me the same smile.

Zeus:" Yes babe we are already here we had too many pantheons to conquer and with this, they will think they are the one who is attacking us, and Good reason for us to attack which we don't need but hi when the Goat can come to us why we should go to them for butchering. I said while looking at them. And with this, we also got a hundred parts of Ouranos." I said with an evil grin on my face.

They nodded while they also have the same evil grins on their faces looking as beautiful as ever. As we flew after sometime later we cross the Greek part of the Underwrold There was a force field but what can stop us was just punching it and shatters like glass. So we enter our most relatable of Greek that has One eye old man as Godking.

And we didn't try to hide our presence in fact we let it lose but not its full power making every God from this pantheon who lived here aware of our presence but what we conceal is our current location so no one disturbs us but we particularly announce our name yes I am Zeus And don't afraid of you you.

Making a race of Gods who love to fight and war

angrier As a race of Gods famous for fighting and drinking it was a great attack on their pride. So I have Ouranos or my energy I know the location of every part of his body. So we were easily able to find the place where Kronos hide them and he hides them blow the castle of the ruler of this part os Underworld pretty good location I have to say.

So after finding them I repeated the process and condensed it to one point turning it into energy then I absorb it and absorb it making myself even stronger. And I am sure when I am done absorbing everything I will go beyond being of Law. Now I have a whole sky I can rain anything from acid to diamonds to and it's not just the sky of the earth but anywhere on any planet and any type of cloud I control all that comes from the sky do much to discover and experiment. I thought.

After we are done here first we flew to Greek Underworld then we teleport away.

important to read

those who think MC is too OP then no he is not

who is more than 40 years old and a gamer can become op within one to two years and Mc was born an Op Being a singularity if you read anything Dc related you should know that plus Mc Got a system it's stupid people who will not use those things. In fact, mc is going very slow as he has many MANY why to become omnipotent.

And Mc is just an ant in front of cosmic beings and they are not even the strongest so In the Universe of Dc Mc dont even started to climb the ladders of OP

And As for Harem, it looks like you never heard the line "AS THE UNIVERSE INFINITELY EXPANDS SO TO DOES THE HAREM" so it's going to be Big, Bigger, Biggest, and more and this line applies to most of the Fictions amd what point of having so much power money and not able to get Girls.


Some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



A copy of Action Comics #1, the debut of Superman, was sold to an anonymous buyer in 2014 for 3.2 million dollars. This issue began a bonanza of superhero creations that spawned Green Lantern and The Flash.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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✌️ Peace ✌️
