I then enter all the measurements needed for the metal like how much they should mix and how much Mana they should passively expose to. yes, this is not some medieval time forge no it's a very futuristic forge that learns and you just need to put commands for what to do and then leave it.

I then put both Metals In the forge and started to mix them perfectly at high speed in passive mode and use it at their highest speed.

I knew this will be not enough to forge billions of Soul Geass so I told Hecate to she should prepare I will be back after then I teleport away I then appear in the large forest filled with mountains. This is the settlement of the Dragon I built. I name this whole area Dragon Cliff as it has too many mountains that get destroyed and rebuild daily I get to know they got Dragon instincts so they love to fight and collect treasures and like to live in caves and hunt prey and play with it so some times they go in the dinosaurs area to hunt.

And believe me, when I say it they look terrifying when they sore the sky in groups even the strongest dinosaurs I created run like a mouse that saw a cat when they see the sky turn dark and loud roars could be heard. As they just do not kill it but like to play with it. And I got to know anything I create with Annihilation maker in longer times can deploy the neutral instincts that are related to them.

And anything I create with the Annihilation maker is self-sustain so it doesn't need to breathe eat, drink, and sleep to live but they can do this if they want and after some research, I get to know my creations are capable of reproduction. But there is a rule they can't reproduce with anything that is made by the Annihilation maker which makes sense, after all, what they are is a Mana with a soul taking a form that I want. So even this long I am still discovering the full extent of what Annihilation maker can do it's a pretty OP thing and turned super OP after the system removed its limitations.

And now when I got control, knowledge, and energy over souls, I am sure I can create many OP monsters. I thought as I reach the place I saw dragons fighting as they saw me they all stopped and knelt I walk into the center then I take out the small pieces of rivers I collect from the Underworld I active the balance breaker and then I imagine the same thing I did all these years and just like that after five minutes later.

Five new Dragons are kneeling before me they look like made of water fire and Ice itself. the Dragons made of Styx, a water Dragon that can grand physical immortality, a Dragon made of Acheron and a water Dragon that can use necromancy rituals, a Dragon made of Phlegethon A fire Dragon and whose fire burns the soul itself, a Dragon made of Cocytus an Ice Dragon and his Ice can freeze the soul itself, and last and final, Dragon made of Lethe a Water Dragon that can force most of the mortal who touches him to forget anything and everything he wants.

And these Dragons used much less Mana than the first time I created the Dragons they also were much more powerful than my first creation. But they are still not stronger as the older Dragons as they are old.

I knew with Annihilation maker I am cheating like never before seen but who cares as now with these Dragons I have an Unlimited supply of some of the most powerful metals and Orbs in a whole fictional Omniverse and I am the richest Man in all Omniverse with these. And there are only some metals I didn't get but I will get them as know this. I thought.

I then picked up one mountain of Uru and Amalthenium as pick them up and put them inside GOB the space that was left behind after I pick the mountains now filled with the new normal Mountain so they can be changed into metals. I then informed Dragons about the upcoming War and how they will be taking part in it which they happily obliged after all they fellow my every command no matter how much their intelligence increase and they love fighting I then nodded and disappear from the place leaving some very happy Dragons who welcome their new brothers and were excited to fight behind.

I then appear in the sky I then take out the mountains from GOB they were floating because I was using my telekinesis and then I create a giant blade of pure plasma and then I cut them into small cubes and put them back In GOB I then teleport in the forge where Isaw my Hecate was preparing the things I then gave her light kiss and we started to work again once again.

Once a perfectly flexible and thin sheet of metal came out Hecate casts the spell that will bind anyone who will sign this contract as we as these contract will not have any terms and conditions as I knew in those things loo holes could always be found and can use against us as I knew there could always be someone smarter than you what contract will work on the utter loyalty towards the empire towards royal family and most importantly to me.

And anyone who even thinks about going against it will their souls will be gone in the Omega Sanction for it. I thought.

As she supplies Soul energy and I also supply soul energy and also Omega energy. So they can be connected and if the rules could be broken the energy will come out of it and affect the soul. as this happens the metal sheet shines and my words of mine appear on the metal sheet as we felt special energy from it. means it was fully successful but needed to test and I already had a good test subject for it.

So she looked at me for testing I nodded and I take out one of many humans I grab before I destroyed the Cost City as humans were always useful in those things. I then revived him I don't want to go explain to him and many things so I then put all the knowledge of what color happened in his brain I can't just mind control him and had a sign on it.

As there is one condition that even applies to me as the one who signs it much do it with its own will without any influence from outside and He/ she/ they must know what is written in the Soul Geass so it takes time for him to settle down while this happening the forge continues to produce sheets of metal.

After 5 minutes of thinking, I said I will send him back to his home so he signs the paper with fearful eyes as he signs The Soul Geass it shines in and turns into golden particles, and then it all enters his body before he the mortal open his mouth I take controls of his body and turn off his mind as Hecate look at him with interest as what will happen next then, I force him to think a scenario against me.

And the next seconds as these thoughts came into his mind I left him body control as he started to scream. His screams continue as his Soul rips out of his body very slowly. and I knew it was working as In 5 minutes later his soul was completely out of his body.

As his soul was out his body it's vanished from here As I felt there is one more Soul in the Omega Sanction as the mortal body falls turning into a husk of his formal self. As Hecate looked at me expecting an answer as I nodded then she jumps on me with happiness in her eyes.

As we shared a small kiss after that she left the place as she knew now I will speed run this as I just needed her if first Soul Geass has any problems with it. As she left the place I activate my lightning speed then I then activated my Green Lantern ring.

As dark Green energy surrounds me as I increase my speeds beyond even many light speeds. Then I pick one of the many ain't sheets of metal then I repeated the process of supplying Mana, the Spell, Soul Energy, and Omega Energy as it shines as words appear on it means it was ready I then repeated the process once again.

And I did this for the next 5 billion times spending more than ten hours on it. Because no matter how fast I am the forge was still very slow against my speeds.

Important to read.

So some reads got wrong from tomorrow's chapter No Odin is not stronger than Mc only Gods who can even force MC to sweat is Jade Emperor Shiv or Shiva you call and Amun Ra and as for how they are as a string as Typhon well Because Typhon was no were on my level didn't you read it how essay MC play with him in fact now all the wives besides his daughters and anyone who is not a god is stronger then Typhon.

So Goddesses that will be Harem will be Sif, Frigga, Freya, Hel, Skadi, and all the Valkyries.


Some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



2016 saw the last gasp attempt to restore the iconic storylines featured in Action and Detective Comics with DC Rebirth. The characters, which are used to new gimmicks and suits, saw a return to uniforms, an update to origin stories, and a return to comic greatness.


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