Aphrodite Pov

Said Zeus out loud Smiling Zeus kissed Aphrodite on the forehead then hugged her tightly.

We didn't speak anything else as we closed our eyes to deep sleep, not knowing that a certain dark-colored wolf was watching all this from far with an angered expression.

Sunlight fell upon the ground as the giant birds shrieked and Dragons roared and flew into the sky, Titans woke up from their sleep and headed to their normal lives, within the Royal Castle upon Mount Olympus in a room that seems to be a dream room for anyone lay two people in sleep.

Aphrodite slowly opened her eyes and blinked, the first thing she saw was the handsome face of her lover, sleeping peacefully, I was confused at first before the memories of the day before flooded in

waking up from the sleepy state I smiled, I was currently laying on Zeus' chest naked, I could feel Zeus's hand tightly clutched onto my waist not letting go.

My body was a bit tired and my lower area hurt, remembering the things that happened last night I couldn't help but blush a bit, touching my ass I thought

'Who would have thought that he was this mischievous?'

Remembering Zeus's words and the things I did, I couldn't help but be a bit ashamed, as a woman of Goddess birth it was a bit embarrassing to do those things, yet I felt pleasure from it and She love it.

I raised my arms and poked Zeus's cheeks a bit, it was hard to see any resemblance from yesterdays dominating figure in the current him

Right now he was sleeping peacefully with me, who would have thought the relationship between us will develop so fast that just after the first meeting we will be would end up fucking like this yet I don't regret it one bit

Suddenly I started to think about the past, the moment I for the first time saw only darkness and he was the only light for her during the time I was surrounded by loneliness and her own thoughts.

The times I had to spend like a closed-up in Shell seem to be forever. And Who would have thought that he was my fated one, the more I had interacted with him the more he drew me Just whenever he talks about protecting me or his family it would always rile me up. Someone who lived In the darkness and loneliness for hundreds of years. Without knowing what Love is.

Until I started to feel him he was truly my light in all the Darkness. Slowly but surely he drew me in and I ended up giving him my 'love', even if I dont able to see him. He was my love this is all that matter?

Coming out of my thoughts I looked at Zeus a bit worried, would he leave me, if he knew about my other side? the one who loves to hear the pain of others? And love to cause pain to my broken side?

I shook my head to get rid of such thoughts, I leaned closer to him and kissed his forehead, I could see a smile on his face

Without disturbing him I moved his body carefully and stood up, the pain still existed and at the same time I could feel something slipping between my legs, for a while I was worried

'would I get pregnant?'

Even though it's harder to get pregnant when you are a God thinking about how many times Zeus came in me I am not sure if I am safe

Yet the thought of having a child with him only made me happier, She and her Daughters having fun time with their Daddy the thought only brought a higher rush of happiness to me

Clearing my thoughts I went to the washroom cleaned myself and headed out of the washroom, coming out I could see the suns rising from in between the hills creating a beautiful sight

As I was watching it I felt a presence from behind me, knowing who it was I smiled, quickly two strong hands coiled up my waist and a voice could be heard from behind me

Zeus: "Oh? what is this? my wife is enjoying the sunrise without me ?"

feeling his hot breath and hearing Zeus calling me his wife caused my body to heat up

Aphrodite: "I didn't want to disturb you that's all"

Zeus: "Oh then I have to repay this kindness"

saying so he lifted me princess style and took me to the nearby couch, he sat leaning to it and placed me on his lap, seeing his handsome face close to me with a smile caused me to smile too

"Hey, Zeus would you dislike me if you knew that I had another bad side?"

When Zeus heard my question he showed me a confused face, I was a bit scared to say this to him, yet I still did

Aphrodite: "wh-what if I was not the same elegant Goddess you thought me to be?, what if I was not a good person?"

My question only seemed to confuse him further, I was about to shrug my question off before he held my face with his hands, looking deeply into me

Zeus: "Aphrodite, We are God's Life and Death are nothing more than states of being to move someone between the two is a simple matter to one such as us and, it could be like a playground.

Zeus: "And How do you think Empires they are built on the dead bodies of millions guilty and innocent alike and its foundations place upon the bodies and blood rivers flow through them? So if you are not hurting any members of the family or the future Empire., In fact, if you want you can visit underground cells there are Too many Titans there but it's useless for now as they will be unresponsive. As Their physic still healing from the experiment that we do to them on daily basis Because of me."

Zeus: "But I am Sure We can find many play toys for you from Norse. After all, I dont plan to take it all for myself."

Zeus: "If that's the case then I don't care, we are not all perfect, my love for you will never change, in my heart, you will always be perfect"

Hearing his answer I pulled him to me for a kiss, we pressed our lips against each other hungrily as if not wanting to let go

'what to do?, what should I do?'

'My love seems to be overflowing'

We kissed for a bit before we broke it, leaving his lips I placed my head on his chest, my heart seems to be beating too fast

We both sat in my room as the winds passed by us and flew the leaves to the sky, the rising sky shined the world bright, for a moment it seemed that there were only two of us in the world

Zeus Pov

Aphrodite: "Do you have to leave so early?"

Aphrodite asked with a frown as she lay in my embrace, right now we were in a park wearing a disguise as we enjoy the cool evening breeze, the light wind ruffled Aphrodite's hair, while she snuggled closer to me as they were laying down on the giant couch.

It's been two hours since my we had woke up time and from then on my hours were filled between, Aphrodite and enjoying we already clean ourselves and have a speed round in the bath.

She was more like a new married wife that was clinging to me for love, most of the morning to evening we would be with each other, and enjoy the presence of each other, it was both loving and comforting but sadly all things at a time must come to end,

Zeus: "You should know it, Aphrodite, we can't stay too long as You know everything is ready to welcome my future armies first soldiers, I have things to deal with and you should be also present there as all the royal family will be there"

I spoke as I patted her hair, letting her relax,

Aphrodite: "I know but I wanted more time"

Aphrodite said as she snuggled in closer I smiled as I replied,

"Well it's not like we won't be seeing each other, and it's not like this was going to last much longer we will definitely have some fun of our own"

I whispered into her ears as I gave it a small kiss, making Aphrodite's frown disappear as a smile graced her face,

Aphrodite: "Still I will miss you"

Aphrodite spoke, I kissed her forehead as I replied,

Zeus: "I will miss you too Now come on we had to go"

She nodded as we Get up and disappeared.

So Goddesses that will be Harem will be Sif, Frigga, Freya, Hel, Skadi, and all the Valkyries.


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