3rd Person Pov

?: Who dares to enter in my Kindom and kill my people even after knowing now I control Ymir?

As the earth is shocked as two people just teleport we see a nearly 300 feet giant made of Ice welding a giant Ice cube walk in front of Zeus's armies his own eyes were wide open as he had never seen someone bigger than him and it was double his size and a man who also looked made of Ice floating in front of Ymir he is nearly 12 feet tall have blue-grey skin bright red eyes and have narrow ridges on their face or in a unique pattern across his body with ice seems to grow out of it. he was wearing barbaric time clothes. and he is welding a big ice hammer. He was King Laufey king of Frost Giants.

You can see great fear and anger in his eyes when he looks around he sees creatures of power killing and playing with his people and when he looked at many woman's in the armor he froze kind of ironic someone made of ice froze. he remains like that. and we see.

Hestia: "Can I get this one I always wanted to test how much Fire I have to release to kill a being made of ice." Asked Hestia while looking at Zeus with puppy dog eyes.

Zeus: "Go for it but don't kill the big Guy as he is very unique and could be used in research don't worry you just do not have to kill him." Said Zeus while Smailing as everyone nodded then Hestia flew into the sky.

As the temperature started to increase to insane levels As Ice around 10 kilometers started to melt. As Hestia appears in front of Laufey grabbed him by the neck and throws him into the icy sky so fast that sonic booms could be heard.

She then fellow him and flew even faster and in just 5 seconds later she grabbed his head breaking many ice shards from all momentum lost. as we can see ice around his neck where Hestia grabbed he has melting while now his head was melting from just coming into contact of Hestia even his body seems to be sweating but no it was melting from the closeness of Hestia.

Hestia: "Fuck they call you king and you're already melting like this. Said Hestia as she punched his and like a hot knife on butter her hand goes through his stomach living a giant hole.

As Hestia Looked at her hand then the hole "Fuck it all waste so weak" she curses then she throw him towards Ymir with all her strength breaking sound barriers many times then she moves forward her hands as a giant fireball appears in her hand which started to burn brighter and brighter after its turns into a white ball she throws it towards still going down Laufey who has lost his conciseness from all this beat down and Hestia did this in just some seconds.


As Laufey collides with Ymir who seems to be frozen in place as collagen between the two was so loud and devastating that sends mountains destroying shock waves while a large crater appears on the place and it was not enough as a super hot white fireball descends down on the place crater was created then.


As intense heat releases from the pit and in instant vaporizes the ice before it could even turn into water as super hot mist surrounds the whole area. it was so hot that it evaporates any frost giant that come into contact with it while sparing all over the place. they don't even have time to scream in agony and pain from evaporating their Deaths were in an instant.

As Hestia lands beside Zeus who then looks around then "Snap" As Zeus snaps his fingers and all the mist dust and debris vanished as if it was never there in the first place. As looked at we see a Giant crater was made in the place of Ymir while everything around the area seems to vaporized.

As everyone looked at the sweet and loving Hestia who looked very disappointed in as she noticed everyone is staring at her she also looked at them and says.

Hestia: "Why are looking at me like that It was a waste of time as he wasn't even able to handle coming near me So I end it fast as in start I thought He least able to go for some minutes but no, So there was no point of keeping up and I am not like you who like to play and he can't teach me anything that I already don't know So this happens."

As everyone nodded as this was the best way to end this fast and slick way. As Zeus moves forward as Ymir's body flew out of the giant Pit and it's looked like hardly alive with most of his upper layer meltdown his Eyes were gone and most of his teeth he both legs were missing while his left hand also nowhere to be seen there is also a giant hole in his chest.

He seems to not live longer if this continues. As even now his body continues to melt as Zeus nods then the golden chains shoot down from GOB and fully cling to him as he can't even move a single finger of his single hand then the chains drag him inside GOB and inside they put him under a river of lest pure Dionesium.

As Zeus looked as he sees souls moving forward he then looked at his Girls and nodded as he flew away while every fellow behind him even Hecatoncheires started to hover and flew which was a scene to watch after all Such Giant creatures flying without wings looked like some type of nightmare.

While flying what walks or looked alive gets Dragons attacks on their face killing them it felt like different elements and light beams raining from the sky. Leaving behind a melting Jotunheim.

As they flew for the next 10 minutes later they reach a barrier and beyond that barrier, the area has completely changed from Icy to a black place filled with black dark nature, and extreme darkness


While can vary a lot They can have a variety with pink/"caucasian", blue, or orange skin. Their stature vary also, from human-like to troll-like shape. But something that same in all of them is that they all have long ears and were wearing masks and armor welding what seems to be guns and shields while thousands of futuristic ships flying in the sky and in the center of it all was a Colossal size Ship. Hich giant cannon seems to light up as if it was charging for an attack.

Zeus just ignores the Barrier as he just goes through it and just from his touching his body the barrier "Clink" broke down into millions of pieces as everyone flies and enters in the Areas of Drak Elves.

As the barrier broke down and the Zeus group enters the Svartalfheim the Ships and people from the ground started to fire on them "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" they all hit everyone in the Zeus group as The Colossal ship cannon was done charging up then "Boom" as the pure destructive energy gets fire towards Zeus group.



Some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



The DC Explosion was the name given to the increase in cost as well as content for the DC comic line. The books went from .35 to .50 and had more storylines or short feature-type tales. It was quickly followed by the DC Implosion, a cancellation of almost all comics in 1978.


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