Who used one of the powers that every Greek God gets Shapeshifting Metamorphosis?

As started to look for something and she saw it was laying just blow where Surtur's left hand suppose to be and it and she flew towards it and it was Surtur's sword Laevatein as she touches the handle of the Laevatein it shrank to her size and she picked up then she flew towards Zeus group.

As she was in front of them she throws the Laevatein toward Zeus and catches the Sword looked at.

Mnemosyne: "Dont you think the last one was over Kill you literally killed millions of Imperials who just became the Imperials." Said Mnemosyne while looking at Metis and the destruction she caused.

Metis: " Come on it's not that bad and if Zeus wanted them to live he could easily create force fields or the fact any one of you can do it while even Kory could just use her strength to release her own shock waves and both cancel each other out but you didn't so don't give me that look and we can easily revive them just one dip in Dionesium will be enough and if worse comes Zeus can just revive them through their souls so don't look at me like that." Said Metis while explaining herself.

Zeus: "Mm let's forget it the Sword is good what do you think Hestia." Said, Zeus while he passed the sword to her.

As she grabbed the Sword it shined even brighter than the time when it was in the hands of Surtur and released intense heat much hotter than before. As Hestia's eyes shined bright orange blue white and Laevatein flames also changed from red-orange to blue white.

As everyone watches this as they felt it seems the Laevatein is bounding with her. Zeus nodded he then pick Surtur up while Golden chains shoot out of GOB and it completely wraps around him restraining him as Zeus throw him into a special prison while casting some healing spells on him.

Themis: "What you gonna do with him Zeus I am sure you are not going to use him in experimentation." Said Themis while looking at Zeus.

Zeus: "Well he will be used in the forge as I am sure if he can forge swords like Laevatein he could be pretty useful there just need to be some memory wiping and reprogramming him and he will be a loyal pet who fellow its master's orders." said Zeus.

As Zeus looked up and saw now the Laevatein is done bounding with Hestia and now floating beside her. As he nodded.

Hestia: "Well the Sword is great Zeus and after some changes, it could be a good weapon."

Zeus: "Mm well great now let's go."

As Zeus and his family with his army flew away.

While we see on the other side in the Nidavellir which most of its formal glory is now it has turned into ruined while it also killed thousands of dwarves died and all this happend from the aftershock waves.

The only dwarves who were alive were those who hid in the underground bunker they created just for these times. They don't look like Dwarves as even an average Dwarf stands nearly 12 feet tall with humanoid looks. And King Eitri stands 15 feet tall.

As Zeus and his army appear in the area looks around then "Snap" As Zeus snaps all four thousand dwarfs that were hiding in the bunker or somewhere appears in front of Zeus.

As saw them their eyes were wide open from the fear while their legs just give up as they fall on the keen as they thought all their hopes were lost waht they can do in front of these monsters while the Gods that promised them protection just left them to die and they all knew this as when the shock waves come they try to call them but they didn't come.

Even king Eitri seems to lose all hope.

Zeus: I Am Zeus one true God I will give you two choices surrender and accept me as your new God or die. And if chose to surrender I will revive your people who died today and also I will give you chance to create a weapon that you can't even imagine now Decide and do it fast as I don't like to wait." said Zeus as his eyes shined.

And hearing they saw their hopes and all of them kneel down.

Time Skip.

Zeus: "Good Now you all are proud Imperials of Olympus Empire. Said Zeus as now they were very ten thousand Dwarves as Zeus revived them and all of them done signing the Soul Geass.

As Zeus nodded and his family and the army flew away to their last stop.

On the other side, just some Kilometers away from the place where the force field that divided the Nidavellir from Asgard we see a huge army wearing silver armor wielding different types of weapons from Swords, Shields, Spears, Bows, Staffs, Maces, Axes, Hammers, War Hammers, Scythes, Guns, Energy Guns, lasers weapons, and many more types of Medieval and technological weapons.

And it was still not enough as we see in the sky a huge Fleet of space ships of different size designs and classes and even in just blow them were nearly 75 insanely beautiful women with perfect figures wearing light Golden Armors riding on pegasus unicorns welding Swords, Spears, War Axes, and Shields.

But what was truly unique about them was the beautiful pure white, black, pink, blue, and Purple, wings on their backs so every one of these women have different colors of wings sets that were the same as their hair color. And they all were Valkyries Asgard's finest warriors with God's blood running through their veins.

But it's not pure so they were not Dami Goddesses but still, they were beyond anyone in Asgard when it's come to pure skills and fighting they have defeated many Gods together. And Even Freya the bloodthirsty Goddess of War and love and Sif warmonger woman Goddess of war and Strength together Valkyries able to defeat them.

As we see beyond the raws upon raws of Asgard's army in the center we see a huge luxurious tent inside we see Gods setting on both sides and in the end center of the place we see a huge throne and setting on the throne is an old man with one eye long beard wearing a pure golden armor welding a beautiful long spear that seems to be on the same level if not stronger then Laevatein this was Gungnir and the man was Odin the Sky father all father of Norse king of Norse Gods.

And looking at his face he seems to be uneasy and if we look deep enough into his eyes some fear also seems to be there.

"Don't you understand old man it's all useless all thet stand outside will be butchered like sheep's once they reach here we all are going to die or worst get imprisoned and tortured? I saw him one shooting you so-called son God of strength without using a single ounce of his strength I don't know how he gets it so much stronger. At such a young age as you teach us that only through age we can grow stronger."

"When Ragnarok Cycles happen training will be west of time as it will just make us slightly stronger but here you are strongest among us but you are not able to do much against him so just give up grab his legs and hope he shows mercy. Y....."

Said a very beautiful lady with long jet black hair and Green eyes and red lips she has a perfect hourglass figure with D Cup breasts and a very slim waist L size ass thick thighs and long legs. And white glossy Skin. The

She was wearing a green outfit with a long time fur cape which hide her perfect figure she also wearing a headpiece with two medium size pointy horns. She looked insanely beautiful just like every Goddess.

Odin:" Enough is enough of you Loki It seems you forget its punishment so soon don't force to put in the cells once again." Said Odin with angry Looks.

And we get to know the beautiful lady Loki the Mistress of Mischief

important to read

So Norse end is coming in at least two to 4 chapters or even less who should be next besides Egyptian, Hindu, Chinese, and Japanese as I have a special role for them? so I can do research, about that mythology. who should Mc add in Harem from Norse?

Sif, Loki, Frigga, Freya, Hel, Skadi, and all the Valkyries.

And should I add queen Aelsa in Harem or just a time pass but remember she is a Dami God

Amd I hope you read the chapter I releases today about possible World travels


Some power stones to keep me motivated to write thanks.

That's it my lovely reader thanks for your support



Plastic Man is one of the silliest characters in the DC Universe, but he may also be one of the most powerful. Over the course of his publication, Plastic Man has been shown to be immortal and there doesn't appear to be any way to destroy him for good. He has been frozen and shattered numerous times, but he is able to reform himself just like the T-1000 in Terminator 2. It just takes him a little while to reconstitute himself.

Additionally, he doesn't age... or he makes it look like he doesn't age. In the "Obsidian Age" storyline, he was found to have had his molecules scattered across the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, but was able to eventually recombine after 3,000 years. He looked the same as he did before and had no problem returning to fighting crime.


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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✌️ Peace ✌️
