The one in the pink hoodie kept shouting, didn't care that his shout had disturbed the peaceful atmosphere in the airport.

Wen Xiang didn't want to care about it at first, but it annoyed him when someone ruined his serene mood. Not wanting to hear the shout any longer, he stretched out his right leg when the man in black was about to run past him, causing the man to fall on the floor face first.

The man in black couldn't escape anymore, and the man in pink immediately sat on the body of the man in black who was prone on the floor. The next thing he saw was the man in pink hitting the man in black hard on the head.

The punch looked painful, and Wen Xiang frowned when he saw the sight. The man in pink seemed to be scolding the man in black, but he used a foreign language that Wen Xiang couldn't understand.

When he was running after the thief earlier, the man in pink was speaking English so he could understand that he was chasing a thief. But now when he was reprimanding the man in black, he used a foreign language instead.

Wen Xiang did not understand the language at all, and he chose to leave the scene because it was none of his business.

He had turned around and was about to leave the scene, but his arm was grabbed by someone. When he looked back, he found it was the man in pink who was holding his arm.

It was quite offensive when someone touched him without a reason, and he glared at the man in pink, non-verbally asking the man to let go.

However, the man in pink suddenly widened his eyes, and the pair of blue eyes lit up when their owner saw his face. "Are you Chinese too?" He asked the question.

The question came in Chinese, and Wen Xiang could understand it. Therefore, he frowned in surprise. 'Too? Is he also Chinese?'

When Wen Xiang observed the man even further, he realized that the man looked like a Chinese in his eyes. The man's skin was not too bright, perhaps it was in the beige shade, but when he saw the facial feature on the man's face, the man indeed looked like a Chinese.

Flat face with a low nasal root, a pair of slanted eyes, and flat-lying eyelids. It was those features that caused him to think that way. However, it was not only a Chinese who had those characteristics, right?

"I'm Korean, and I don't understand what you're saying," Wen Xiang lied in English because he didn't want to be bothered by the stranger in pink.

Even at a glance, he knew that the man in pink was the annoying type. The man could scream like a maniac before, and it was extremely shameless for a normal person.

Wen Xiang hoped the man would leave him alone after he lied to the man, but to his dismay, the man seemed even more enthusiastic after hearing his cold reply. Not only that, the man even used both of his hands to squeeze his.

Wait. Since when was his hand in the man's grip? He was an assassin, but he failed to notice the man's movements.

"Are you really Korean? So, you know Jin of BTS, right? Many people say I look like Jin BTS, and I'm a big fan of him!"

Wen Xiang looked at the man with a disgusting look when he heard the man speak in English. He could tell that the man's age was over 20, but his behavior was like that of a child. Not only did his behavior resemble that of a child, but his appearance also looked like that of a child.

His shoulder-length hair was colored pink like cotton candy, and he even wore a bunny earring on his left ear. It was very childish in Wen Xiang's eyes.

"I don't know who Jin is, so you better let me go," Wen Xiang replied as he tried to free his hand from the man's grip.

However, the man in pink tightened his grip instead of letting go. Wen Xiang would definitely be able to break free with his strength, but he wouldn't do anything that would risk his identity in a public place like this.

He wanted to start afresh as Wen Xiang and no longer The Crow, so he had to act like a normal person.

"How can I let you go before I pay for what you've done to me?" The man asked him again, and he frowned in response. Seeing the confused expression, the man added, "You have helped me get my wallet back." While using his left hand to take out his wallet from his back pocket.

Wen Xiang knew that he had helped the man, but he had no intention of doing so. Therefore, he didn't see it as a big deal.

Now the pink-haired man only held his hand with one hand, and he could easily free his hand without too much effort.

The man in pink gasped at his sudden movement, and he pouted at him. The black-haired man felt goosebumps at the sight of the man's behavior. The man's body was by no means small, perhaps only three to four centimeters shorter than him, and seeing a grown man behaving like that stained his eyes.

"I want to pay you! Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do anything for you!" The pink-haired man was still stubborn as he continued to insist.

Wen Xiang heaved a heavy sigh of stubbornness. "Forget it. I was just helping you on a whim, and you don't have to pay me for it," he replied coldly.

The answer was very cold, and the man in the pink was even more sullen. He seemed to be thinking about something, and suddenly, the pair of blue eyes sparkled again.

"How about I be your guide while you stay in this city, Oppa?"