Wen Xiang was speechless, and he could feel how his heart suddenly thumped loudly upon hearing Xue Tian's words. Perhaps the pinkette was only talking rubbish in order to save the face of the said 'friend,' but the words still shocked Wen Xiang greatly.

No one ever told him that crows were beautiful. Many people thought that crows were scary, and some of them even believed that the crows were the symbol of death.

That was why he chose 'The Crow' as his name when he was still in Black Lotus. His appearance in some moments meant death for some people, and that was why he also believed that crows only represented darkness.

Now when he heard someone say that a crow was beautiful, he didn't know how to react.

'Why am I acting like this? This weirdo only wants to entertain his sister, and that means nothing. He's such a sweet talker, and I shouldn't believe in his words,' Wen Xiang realized as he shook his head. Not only that, but he also drew his gaze away from the man in pink.

Xue Tian noticed the man's gesture, but he didn't have a chance to say anything because his sister suddenly spoke again.

"So, a lotus and a crow tattoo have a good meaning, Brother? Brother Xiang is also a good person?"

Brother Xiang. It was the first time Wen Xiang heard such addressing in English. Many people in Black Lotus often called him 'da ge' because he was one of the first assassins in the organization, and that was why he was respected by them.

Now when he heard someone give him a new nickname, he somehow felt a warmth in his heart.

"Of course," Xue Tian answered without a slight hesitation. "If Brother Xiang is not a good person, then I wouldn't be friends with him. He's my good friend, so I brought him here to meet you. You have to treat him as your brother, alright?"

The siblings' interaction was warm, but Wen Xiang was still freezing on the side. He indeed felt the warm sensation in his heart, but his body felt cold when he saw how Xue Tian lying to the innocent girl.

He and Xue Tian were not friends, and they shouldn't have deceived the innocent girl.

However, Wen Xiang also knew that he couldn't reveal his real identity to the girl. He didn't want to cause trouble, and he didn't want to scare the girl either. It was only their first meeting, but Wen Xiang somehow felt some connections with the girl. He didn't want to disappoint the young girl.

Wen Xiang could see the girl was looking at him once again, but he didn't say anything. He just waited for what the girl was going to do to him.

And he froze when he saw the girl start walking towards him. The young girl had left her brother and went to him instead, and he could only remain like a statue as he didn't know what he should do.

Until finally, the girl stopped walking in front of him and stretched out her hand to him. "Hello, Brother Xiang. My name is Summer, and I'm 9-year-old this year. I'm a third-grader in my elementary school, and I can speak English, Bahasa, and Javanese. But I think you can only speak English, right? Then I will only speak English when I'm home."

The girl had the initiative to introduce herself properly to Wen Xiang, and the raven-haired man was stunned by the little girl's mature attitude. The girl was only nine, but she was mature enough with her formal introduction.

His dark eyes fixated on the thin hand before hesitantly he brought his hand to grasp the thin hand. "You can call me Wen Xiang," Wen Xiang finally introduced himself awkwardly.

He didn't even know how to introduce himself properly, and he just spoke what he knew in his head.

The little girl smiled before pulling her hand away from the handshake. When the girl smiled, Wen Xiang could see that the girl was missing one tooth at the top row. The sight was cute, and Wen Xiang smiled a little.

The muscles on his face were still stiff, but he managed to flash a small smile at the girl. He wasn't sure whether the smile would scare the girl or not.

He wasn't sure, but when he saw the girl widen her innocent smile, he could heave a sigh of relief because he didn't scare the girl.

His ears then caught the sound of footsteps, and when he looked up, he found Xue Tian walking over to them before hugging the girl's shoulders.

"My sister is so smart, right?" The pinkette spoke to him before turning to the young girl. "Brother Xiang will live with us from now on, so you have to behave yourself when you're home. And don't walk around without clothes anymore, alright? That's so embarrassing."

Hearing her brother humiliate her in front of a handsome man called Wen Xiang, Summer hit her brother's stomach weakly. "Don't embarrass me, Brother!"

Xua Tian chuckled before asking, "Where's Bibi Yanti? She was staying here when I'm away, right?"

"Mhm," the little girl replied. "She was staying here, but she said she would go back home this morning after getting a call from you. You said to her that you would return today, so she wanted to go home too."

Xue Tian nodded in understanding. He was away for a few days, and he asked someone to look after his sister.

"Did she cook before she left? I didn't eat lunch yet, and I'm so hungry now," Xue Tian spoke while rubbing his belly.

"Ah! She cooked for us, Brother! I will heat the food!" Summer exclaimed before freeing herself from Xue Tian's hug and running towards a room that looked like a kitchen.

Wen Xiang was surprised when he heard that the girl would heat the food, so he immediately turned to the pinkette. "You let a little girl heat the food for you? Don't you think that's too dangerous?"

Wen Xiang looked worried, but Xue Tian just chuckled as he kept staring at the room where his sister went in earlier. "Summer has been an independent girl since she was a little. We don't have parents, so we can't depend on anyone."