Wen Xiang was not a morning person. He was The Crow who used to work at night and slept all day, so he used to sleep from dawn till afternoon. Moreover, he couldn't sleep last night, so it was normal if his eyes didn't want to open when it was still morning.

He wouldn't wake up from his deep slumber if someone wasn't banging on his room's door.

"Hey, lazy ass! Don't you remember that we will go to some places today? Do I need to go in and kick your lazy ass?"

Wen Xiang groaned in annoyance when he heard Xue Tian's voice from outside his room. Of course, it was the annoying Xue Tian who dared to disturb his peaceful sleep.

His peaceful sleep was ruined, and Wen Xiang finally opened his eyes. He couldn't sleep last night because of some reason, and maybe he only got two hours of sleep when he suddenly heard a monster banging on the door.

And one of the reasons that caused him to stay awake last night was because the air in this city was too hot!

There was no air conditioner in the room, and Wen Xiang had to take off his shirt before he could get some sleep. Now he woke up shirtless, and the old scars on his body were exposed.

Not wanting to get exposed, he immediately grabbed his shirt and put it on again. He couldn't let anyone see the trace of a fight on his body.

With wide steps, he headed to the door before Xue Tian damaged the innocent door from the outside. Right after the door was opened, he could hear Xue Tian burst into laughter.

He just stared at the shorter man coldly without any intention to interrupt the laugh.

"What happened with your eyes? You couldn't sleep last night, huh?" Xue Tian asked the question after he managed to control his laughter.

Wen Xiang had guessed the reason behind the insult, and it was because of the dark circles around his eyes.

"I will take a quick shower first," Wen Xiang replied as he chose to ignore the teasing.

He turned around and headed to the closet in the room, leaving Xue Tian who leaned on the doorframe while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"No need to hurry. Summer just finished taking shower, and she's getting ready with her uniform now. Take your time."

Hearing the calm statement from the pinkette, Wen Xiang glared at the man. 'You should have let me sleep if you're not in a hurry!'

Wen Xiang was mad, but he chose to remain silent as he took out a shirt along with a pair of jeans and a pair of underwear from the closer.

Walking over to Xue Tian, he deliberately bumped his shoulder into the shorter man as he walked past the door. Xue Tian burst into laughter again when he saw the taller man's temper.

Ignoring the laughter, Wen Xiang headed to the bathroom opposite Xue Tian's room. The owner of the house gave him a tour around the house yesterday, and he managed to reach the bathroom without Xue Tian's guidance.

Without further ado, he entered the bathroom and started showering in a peaceful atmosphere.

He only needed fifteen minutes to finish, and he stepped out of the bathroom fully clothed. Xue Tian didn't tell him anything about the hairdryer, so he chose to dry his wet hair with a small towel.

He planned to head to his room, but then he heard a conversation coming from the dining room. He ended up changing his mind and heading to the dining room instead.

"You should be able to tie your hair by yourself because you're no longer a child, Summie. I'm worried if you will still be like this even after you get married."

That was Xue Tian's voice, and when he arrived at the doorframe of the kitchen, he could see the man was busy braiding the little's girl brown hair.

"I won't get married before you, Brother. You should find a wife for yourself first before I can find a husband for me."

The conversation was warm, and Wen Xiang didn't have the heart to interrupt it. In the end, he just remained quiet at the doorframe as he observed the siblings' interaction.

"Do you think there will be a girl who wants to marry me, Summie? I'm not that handsome, and I'm only a high school graduate. Maybe I will die as a bachelor."

Summer Xue frowned when she heard her brother's miserable statement. "Do you need to marry a girl, Brother? What if you marry a boy instead? Brother Xiang is not bad. Maybe you can marry him someday?"

Xue Tian's hands' movement on the girl's head halted upon hearing the girl's innocent question.

Summer Xue was a smart girl. The teachers in her school often praised her for her above-average intelligence. However, the little girl was still too young to understand the social life of the people. She didn't understand that most humans in the world still believed that men were destined to be with women, and if a man had a romantic relationship with another man, that was considered taboo.

The people in this country were no different. The assumption was still there even if some people prefer having a relationship with people of the same sex.

"You can't say that Summie," Xue Tian replied as he resumed his paused activity. "Brother Xiang is just my friend, and he probably wouldn't like it if he heard what you said just now. Don't say something like that in front of him, alright?"

Summer Xue displayed a puzzled expression, but she decided to nod in the end.

On the other hand, Wen Xiang remained frozen in the doorframe. He heard the conversation, and he didn't know what he should do after hearing that kind of conversation.

In the end, he just pretended as if he didn't hear anything and continued his steps toward the Xue siblings.