The car started to leave the densely populated residential area and continued to drive on the asphalt. Wen Xiang's question sounded funny to Xue Tian's ears, and he couldn't stop smiling because of it.

That smile was suspicious in Wen Xiang's eyes, and he couldn't stop glaring at the weirdo.

"I know your name means in Chinese, but in Indonesian, your name sounds funny," Xue Tian finally answered.

"What's so funny about my name?" Wen Xiang asked another question.

Glancing at the raven-haired man, Xue Tian replied, "In Indonesian, your name sounds like 'Siang,' and 'Siang' means noon here. No one has the name 'Siang' here, so your name is funny to them."

Wen Xiang still furrowed his brows. In fact, he did not know the meaning of his real name before Chang Jianyu told him about its meaning.

["You have a good real name. Why did you choose to use the name 'The Crow' as your alias?" The bespectacled man asked him curiously.

Wen Xiang never cared about his real name. His parents were long dead, and he never knew the meaning of his name because no one had explained it to him.

"What does my name mean?" Wen Xiang decided to ask a question because he was also curious.

"The 'Xiang' character of your name means 'fly' or 'soar'. Maybe your parents wanted you to fly high to achieve your happiness."

Wen Xiang fell silent after hearing Chang Jianyu's words. Chang Jianyu could have a theory, but no one knew what his parents wanted for him since they had long since passed away. He couldn't ask them that, so he couldn't prove his friend's theory.

"But come to think of it, crows can fly too, so maybe you chose the right alias for your job." Chang Jianyu spoke again, and Wen Xiang looked at his friend again. "But, it was just a coincidence that you chose an alias that was related to your real name, right? Why did you choose 'The Crow' as your alias?"]

"Hey, Brother Xiang. Are you listening to me?"

Wen Xiang blinked when his thoughts were interrupted by Xue Tian's question. He just realized that he was daydreaming when he recalled the conversation with Chang Jianyu a long time ago.

"Did you say something?" The raven-haired man asked the pinkette.

The question caused Xue Tian to roll his blue eyes. "I'm just asking if you want to change your nickname or not. People here will keep calling you 'Siang' if you don't want to change your nickname."

Wen Xiang looked away from Xue Tian after hearing the man repeat his words. "No need," he replied coldly. "I have no plans to make friends with the people here, so I don't care if they keep calling me by that name."

Xue Tian sighed heavily when he heard the sloppy answer. He only knew Wen Xiang yesterday, but he knew that Wen Xiang was an antisocial person who didn't care about other people. He didn't know Wen Xiang's purpose in coming to the city, but as long as the man didn't harm him and his sister, then he didn't care.

The pink-haired man drove for about 20 minutes before the white car slowly lost its speed. Wen Xiang guessed that they had arrived at Summer's school, and he could see that the school was more in an urban area compared to where the Xue siblings lived.

The white sedan actually stopped, and Wen Xiang couldn't help but be curious. "Don't you think the school is too far from your house?" He questioned the pinkette.

Summer Xue was getting ready to get out of the car, but she still blinked in confusion when she heard Wen Xiang's question.

"This school is good, so distance doesn't matter to me," Xue Tian replied with a small smile on his face.

Hearing her brother had answered Wen Xiang's question, Summer Xue finally said goodbye and immediately got out of the car. Both Wen Xiang and Xue Tian observed how the little girl was walking toward the school gate.

"You didn't even walk her to the school gates?" Wen Xiang asked again, but Xue Tian didn't answer immediately as he started driving the car to leave school again.

"Summer is an independent girl, and she doesn't like it when I walk her to the school gates," the pink-haired man finally answered.

Wen Xiang refrained from rolling his eyes. Xue Tian could be an overprotective brother, but he could also be a calm brother. He didn't understand the man's character at all.

"You don't want to ask how I can send Summer to her school and pick her up from school every day despite my busy schedule?" Xue Tian asked the question because he didn't get an answer from the other man.

"I don't believe that you're so busy. You're just a tour guide, right? You can't be so busy," Wen Xiang replied lazily.

Xue Tian giggled when he heard that lazy reply. "You're right," he replied. "Other people see me as a busy person, but that's not true. Sometimes when I don't get a job, I'll still leave the house, but I still make time to pick up my sister. I am the perfect brother, right?"

This time, Wen Xiang didn't bother to stop himself from openly rolling his eyes after hearing Xue Tian's arrogant question.

"Where are we going now? You said that you would help me find a job, right?" Instead of responding to Xue Tian's arrogance, Wen Xiang chose to bring up another topic.

The white car stopped at the right light, and Xue Tian glanced at the black-haired man while replying, "I have a better plan for today, and we are going to go buy a motorcycle now."