When the three arrived at the place where Xue Tian had parked his car, several people surrounded the pink scooter sent by the people from the shop. The sight was quite strange in Wen Xiang's eyes, and he finally furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Don't be confused," as if noticing the man's expression, Xue Tian spoke up. "People here are very curious. If they know someone bought something new, they'll want to take a look at it, and they'll stare at it in awe. You don't have to worry because they don't have any intention to steal my scooter."

Wen Xiang was quite surprised that Xue Tian could read his mind. He did feel suspicious because people were gathering around the new scooter, and he even thought the people wanted to steal the two-wheeler.

That was a very foolish thought because no one would steal someone's possessions in broad daylight like this.