Wen Xiang only heard that someone was kidnapped, but he didn't know who it was. He only knew that Xue Tian had suddenly gone into a panic before hanging up and stuffing his phone into his jeans pocket again.

"Who just called you? And who was kidnapped?" Wen Xiang decided to ask when there was no sign that the pink-haired man would tell him anything about the phone call.

"You'll find out later," Xue Tian replied curtly, and Wen Xiang frowned as the answer didn't manage to satisfy him.

He couldn't even see Xue Tian's face because the man was sitting in front of him with his back facing him, but from the tone alone, he could tell that the pinkette was in his serious mode, and it was probably the first time he had seen the man act like that since they met at the airport for the first time.