"Xiang Tian: Fly to Heaven" had completed the first volume, but it was still not certain whether Wen Xiang would accept Xue Tian as his boyfriend or not. Do you think the two of them would be together in the second volume?

Before we start with the second volume, let's know their opinion about each other as well as their opinion about the first volume of the book!

Q = Question

W = Wen Xiang

X = Xue Tian

Let's start the Q&A session!


1. Q: What's your first impression of each other?

W: "I don't have any first impression of him."

X: *widening his eyes* "What? you don't have any impression of me? The two of us met in a fateful meeting, but you don't have any impression of me?"

W: "..."

X: "Just tell me your first impression of me, and I will also tell you my first impression of you."

W: "I don't want to know your first impression of me."

X: "..."