Xue Tian was usually playful, and every word that escaped his lips contained a joke. However, what Wen Xiang had just heard from the shorter man was not the same as usual. Instead of being playful, his boyfriend sounded very serious, and the tone even surprised him.

He immediately turned his head to the side and looked at the man who was still driving the white car. "Are you mad at me?" He couldn't help but ask.

Wen Xiang felt pressure in his heart. He had never felt this kind of feeling when he was afraid to see someone angry with him. Before he met Xue Tian, ​​he never cared what people thought of him.

He remembered how Fan Quan used to mock him when he was still at Black Lotus. The man always said that he was just an ungrateful brat because he never respected Qin Zemin, but he never cared about his opinion. Instead, Fan Quan's ridicule only managed to get into his right ear before slipping away through his left ear.