Xue Tian left him alone in the car, and Wen Xiang had no other choice but to get out of the car as well. The car keys were still in his hands because Xue Tian insisted that he didn't need to use his car to go somewhere, and that was why the keys were left in his hands.

As he walked toward the three people he had left earlier, he could see that the police had just finished investigating the crime scene, and he could also see how several forensic doctors had brought the old woman's body from inside the house.

He could see how Tasya was crying hysterically when she saw how those people had taken her grandmother away from her house, and Wen Xiang didn't even know how to comfort the girl when he finally arrived in front of her.

"Thank you for your cooperation in staying around this area during the investigation, Mr. Wen," one of the officers came up to the tattooed man and showed his gratitude to the man.