As far as he could remember, only one person had black lotus and crow tattoos on their neck, and that person was none other than himself.

Yes, he was indeed the only person who had such tattoos on his neck. The black lotus tattoo was a sign that he was a member of Black Lotus, while the crow tattoo was his own choice as a representative of his identity.

Qin Zemin was the one who challenged him to have a black lotus tattooed on his neck, but it was he who chose the crow tattoo to accompany the lonely black lotus, thinking that the existence of the tattoo would be able to cover the truth behind the black lotus tattoo.

Just now Thomas mentioned the two tattoos on his neck, and Wen Xiang immediately thought to himself after hearing the man's statement.

"You mean... I was the one who killed Xue Tian's father all those years ago?" He could feel his heart breaking into pieces as he uttered the question hesitantly.