Xue Tian told Andrew that he might return to China in a week, and before he left the country, he would send Summer to Andrew's house and let the girl stay there for a while.

The bespectacled doctor agreed with the plan, but he told Xue Tian that the pinkette needed to make Summer understand his plan before sending the little girl to his house.

Xue Tian purposely excluded the little girl from their conversation today, but Andrew assumed that a smart girl like Summer would surely be curious about what they were talking about, even if the girl obediently left the three of them while they were having a serious conversation, the doctor believed that Summer would still question her brother about his plans to return to China.

Therefore, Andrew asked Xue Tian to talk to his sister first before sending the little girl to his house, and he also said that Xue Tian should choose the best excuse for the girl before leaving her at his house.