Wen Xiang's face brightened once again, and it was in stark contrast to Xue Tian's face which had suddenly darkened. Even under normal circumstances, Xue Tian's skin was a shade darker than Wen Xiang's, and now it was darker than it looked almost green in Wen Xiang's eyes.

"Who is Chang Jianyu? How can you trust him when you can't trust anyone else in this country? Is he young or is he old? Who is more handsome between me and him? Which do you trust more? Me or him? You can't just carelessly trust someone, Wen Xiang!"

Those were the line of questions that escaped Xue Tian's lips, and the pinkette even wrapped up the series of questions with a lecture as if he was the only adult here while Wen Xiang was just a naive kid.