That was the confirmation that Wen Xiang and Xue Tian had just received from Chang Jianyu, and the two of them fell silent.

Normally, people would seek help from the police when they encountered a crime, but what should they do when the police were no longer the bureau they could trust? There were so many threads that controlled the police, and it was as if the police were mere puppets of the people who had money and power above them.

To the left or the right, the police would only move to follow the one holding the string.

"I've been guessing that we can't always trust the police wherever you live. Maybe we can use our fingers to count how many honest cops don't receive any money when they work. We indeed can't rely on them," it was Xue Tian who broke the silence after the three of them fell silent.

"Are you saying that because you also pay the police for your business?" Wen Xiang asked, and Xue Tian's blue eyes widened slightly.