When Chen entered his room, he immediately started asking questions about the things he had encountered. Unbeknownst to him, his teacher was behind him and suddenly slapped him.
"Argh! Who is that!?" Chen exclaimed in surprise, turning around to see his teacher standing there.
"Ahh! Teacher, it's you," Chen said, recognizing Mr. Song, his physical education teacher.
Mr. Song looked sternly at Chen. "Hmm? Chen, what are you doing? Why are you still standing? Sit down!"
Quickly complying, Chen sat down, still puzzled by the sudden slap. He glanced at his friend Qin, who was sitting next to him.
"Hey," Chen called out to Qin, seeking an explanation.
Qin turned to him. "Hmmm, what is it, Chen?"
Chen wasted no time and asked, "I'm wondering why Mr. Song has a muscular body now. I mean, he used to be so thin. Why is he like that?"
Qin responded, "Chen, I don't know what you're talking about, but all I can say is that Mr. Song has always had that kind of physique. Don't you know that he is one of the strongest martial artists in our country?"
Chen was taken aback by this revelation. "Ahh! What did you say? Strong?"
His exclamation caught Mr. Song's attention, who threw an eraser at Chen, causing him to yelp in pain.
Chen fell silent, his mind racing with thoughts. He had just learned that his teacher, Mr. Song, was one of the strongest martial artists, a fact he couldn't fathom. He had always perceived his teacher as thin and seemingly weak, making the revelation all the more surprising.
Class ended, but Chen's mind was still preoccupied with thoughts. Suddenly, Qin slapped him, bringing him back to reality.
"Hmm?" Chen was startled, looking at Qin in confusion.
Qin responded, "Chen, are you serious? I never expected you to be interested in becoming a martial artist. Well, if you really want to become one, I have some advice. Go to the nearest dojo or sect and try to join them."
Chen nodded, processing Qin's advice. "Oh, I see."
Qin added another piece of advice, "Hmm, Chen, if you want to get into those places, you need to work hard. It's not easy to gain entry, so you must be determined and show some talent to succeed."
Upon hearing Qin's advice, Chen's mind began to race with possibilities. He felt a surge of determination and suddenly came up with an idea.
To be continued...
Author's Note:
And so, the story of our main character begins. I hope you'll continue supporting the story, even if it may seem a bit slow at times. Hahaha! Stay tuned for the next chapter, and see you soon! Mwah! :>