Trusting the Mate Pull


"Sorry, it took me so long to-Hey! Jenny, where are you going?". Jenny took off the very moment she heard her manager. He just had to walk in on us. I retracted my hand and covered half of my face. I couldn't believe I acted that bold at her. Her scent was just overwhelming in this closed room that my wolf just took over and did what he pleased. Now he's sulking about the ruined moment and, I don't know how to amend this situation. How am I supposed to face her after this?

"Did something happen? Please tell me nothing went wrong.". The manager asked me. He looked very worried but I just waved to him with the papers, "No, no, everything's fine. We accept this counter-proposal and expect the effectivity immediately if that's possible.".

"Yes Sir, of course, of course.".

With that, I bid him farewell and went out of the room. I tried to find Jenny but she wasn't anywhere near my path. Though her scent is definitely present in the vicinity. It assured me that she was there, just hiding somewhere. It bothered me but I knew the reason why. I left her a note saying I'm sorry and went on my way to our office.

"So? How did it go?", Kyle asked me as he entered my office. He sat on the couch which was located near my table. I gave a sigh and replied, "It was fine, she'll be here every Thursday to Saturday.".

"Hmm, something else had happened, isn't there?" He suspected me, I wonder what gave it away. "I'm your Alpha, I could tell. I can read you like a book, dear little bro.".

"Fine, you're right, there is." I unwillingly admitted to him, "I kind of lost control with her. We were alone and my wolf...".

"Don't tell me you turned.".

"No, no. I just, I just sniffed her hair." Kyle then took a moment before laughing at me with all his might. I got annoyed and yelled at him, "It isn't funny! A normal person wouldn't just sniff anyone's hair! I freaked her out!". He continued to laugh his ass off. He only tried to calm himself up when I growled lowly at him.

"Okay, okay. Just give me a second." He forced himself to stop laughing but still shows off his goofy face when he said to me, "Stop stressing yourself up, little bro. I'm sure she'll come around it.".

"Will you stop calling me 'little bro'?" I frustratedly said to him. He simply doesn't understand my situation. It freaks me out if ever Jenny sees me differently. She might think I'm some kind of a freak, or worst, a pervert!

"No, she won't.". Kyle answered me, I may have spilled whatever it was I'm thinking. "C'mon man, she's your mate, she won't think bad of it. She might even like it.".

"Stop. You're not really helping.". I said to him while I sighed in my chair. This won't do. This is the first time I felt this frustrated. Normally I could resolve problems easily but when it comes to my mate, it seems my usual self is lost in the way.

Then a knock came at the door. A lady went inside and we need not look to know who it was, her scent reveals it all, it was our Luna, Olive. "What's with this gloomy face of yours, Noel?".

"He's being paranoid.". Kyle commented that made me glare at him. She chuckled and gave Kyle a warm back hug and a kiss on his cheek. A smile was plastered on his face but I think he wanted more. He watched her as she went beside him then gently guide her to sit on his lap and gave her a proper kiss.

I rolled my eyes at the action that is happening in front of my face, "Oh you two should get a room!". But my voice didn't seem to bother them at all and continued making out on the couch. I got annoyed so I decided to go out for a moment. They always do this whenever Olive brings Kyle his lunch, it didn't bother me before but today, I guess I'm kind of envious...?

Before I close the door, Olive said to me, "Noel, your mate may be human but the mate bond is strong. Trust in it.". I nodded at her before locking and closing the door.

I never doubted the mate bond. You and your mate alone feel the strong pull within yourselves. That is evident in wolves but in humans...? I have my doubts though I hope the mate pull is stronger. But I can't help but worry about what she thinks. Does she think I'm a creep? Am I coming on her too strong?

"Mr. Locke.". A voice then came from my side. I need not look, I knew who it was. "Are you feeling alright?". I waved my hand to dismiss him.

"I'm fine, Johnny. I just went out cause some couple made my office their private room. Be sure that no one disturbs them, okay?".

"Understood. I also bring news from the High Council.". I turned to him as he continued, "They accepted the request for a meeting.".

"Good. Inform Kyle about the decision... but make it later.". Johnny failed to hide his curiosity. It cheered me up a bit so I teased him a little. "He's kind of busy 'tasting' his food.". I almost laughed at the brief moment of shock that flashed before his eyes. He's good though, his shock did not even last for more than three seconds.

"Y-yes, Beta. I'll inform him after two hours then.". Pfft, this guy.

"An hour will be fine. Just mind-linked him. You don't really need to barge in the room." Hah! His ears became pinkish; he got embarrassed.

"A-as you say, Beta.". He then hurriedly went on his way. Pfft, he must be so embarrassed.

Though the acceptance surprised me, the High Council usually refuses this kind of meeting unless we did stumble upon something important that the council cannot dismiss so easily. I should focus on this one too. It's not only for our pack but also for Jenny's sake too.