Inside the Meeting Room


I can feel that all eyes are on me. Though it doesn't bother me at all. I'm used to being the center of attention, if you ever experience high school in human society then you will know what I mean.

Alpha Jayden has his sight locked on me from the very start. He seems to be reading my mind right now. I need to clear my mind as much as possible.

"My King, is it wise to allow a Beta into our meeting?" Alpha Damien decided to frankly address the elephant in the room; me.

"Heh, I don't see why not…?" Kaleb answered, "Selena is right here – BUT not today!" His last phrase was commanding as Alpha Selena gestured for me. She abandoned that thought when Kaleb added, "I want him to 'remember' what will happen today.". And flashed a teasing smile at me, "He has something that I want.". I don't like that smile of his even more so if I'm right to what he wants from me.

'Noel, calm down…' Kyle had mind-linked me from across the table, 'Let it go.'. Seriously…? I looked at him unbelieved but then he subtly pointed his head to his side. Beside him was none other than Alpha Jayden whose sight was pinned on me from the moment I walked in those doors. Okay, Noel, be discreet as much as possible, just be cool –

"Oh, oh! Is it a woman…?" Alpha Gregory suddenly asked much to my surprise. Kaleb then exaggerated his shock. "My, Gregory… I did not know you're a fortune teller, too! Did I hit the jackpot in choosing you…?".

"Hah! His Highness is exaggerating… Is she pretty, if I may ask?".

"Heh, I would've not taken notice if she wasn't, plus she has the guts of a wolf.".

"A wolf…?" Alpha Gregory was confused for a moment then a realization struck him, "Human!?". His shock was evident on his face when he turned to me. I don't really want to know what he is thinking from the way he smirks at me.

"My King…" Alpha Damien said out loud, "We aren't here to gossip about women, are we…?".

"Oh…? Does Damien not like women…?" Alpha Gregory openly teased the other alpha to which Alpha Damien had let out a warning growl.

"Gentlemen, please…" Alpha Selena then speaks up, "We are in the presence of His Highness, show some dignity and act as Alphas not dogs fighting for a bone.".

"Apologies Lady Selena." Alpha Damien retreated, "I let my emotions get the best of me, I'll have it in check.".

"Huh, you guys are no fun.". Alpha Gregory then slouched at his chair. "Hey Beta..." He whispered to me as I was sitting beside him. "I want to meet that female human that the King said that you –".

Before I even tell him to buzz off, Alpha Gregory was suddenly tackled to the wall. Kaleb had swiftly pinned him by the neck. The force was so great that our wall had cracked, embedding Alpha Gregory on the wall. He coughed up some blood upon impact.

"You misunderstood me, Gregory.". Kaleb squeezed harder on his grip at Alpha Gregory's neck. "That is between me and Noel, no one else is to be near her… Get it…?". Alpha Gregory managed a nod and thus, Kaleb let him go. He slumped down to the floor and gasped for air as he held his swelling neck. "Do I make myself clear?".

"Yes… Alpha King…" Alpha Gregory answered groggily.

I felt a chill at the scene before me. Kaleb just displayed his power over Alpha Gregory. This brat-I mean, this young man may be playful at times but he is still the King. He has a strength that is beyond a normal alpha wolf.

"Right then…" Kaleb easily switched back to his energetic self, "Let's start this meeting shall we…? Kyle…?".

"Ah, yes…". Kyle snapped out of it, "As you all have known, last month we reported a rogue intrusion but it turned out to be members of Yellow-Hills pack that were seeking refuge. They weren't able to make an official notice due to their situation." Kyle introduced the issue.

"They were hunted down…" For the first time, I heard Alpha Jayden's voice.

"By another wolf pack…? Who would dare?" Alpha Selena reacted to his words.

"Um, yes. Jayden is right, they were hunted and their pack wiped out. Though we've taken in a few surviving members along with their young alpha heir.". Kyle continued, "Also, we've made a discovery that was the cause of this meeting –".

"A Hunter." Alpha Jayden spoke again. The other alphas became tensed except for Alpha Gregory who looked miserable at the moment.

"A Hunter…? What does it have to do with the Yellow-Hills pack?" Alpha Damien inquired. Kyle looked at him before revealing, "The young alpha heir said that when their late Alpha refused a 'deal' from some wolves, their companion tried to wipe them out. Which turned out to be a Hunter."

"Nonsense!" Alpha Selena reacted, "A Hunter together with wolves…? That is absurd!".

"I'm afraid we're not making this up, Lady Selena. My Beta personally fought with him." Kyle had put me on center stage and then added, "He later confirmed that it was a Hunter.".

"My King…" Alpha Damien then turned to Kaleb, "There are similar reports that a group of wolves is recruiting packs for some reason and if the pack refused, they would be attacked. This group is up to something, they should be found and questioned.".

"I agree." Alpha Selena concurred, "And if they really formed an alliance with the hunters, this would be a problem not just for us, but also for the humans.".

"That's true." Kaleb started, "But I don't see why this is so important.". What did he just say? "Do you think a bunch of low-life wolves can defeat me? The Alpha King…?".

"My King… That's not –". Alpha Selena tried to reason but Kaleb did not let her.

"And those hunters…? Pfft, they're cowards." He scorned, "If they want to bring me down, they might as well do it in my face.".

"But this concerns all of us, Kaleb." Kyle then spoke up, "No disrespect to you, I know you're strong. But this alliance with their unknown intentions, can affect the whole wolf-kind. It's a threat to all of us.".

Silence ruled in the room as Kaleb did not speak. We were waiting for his response but he seems to not care until Alpha Jayden spoke again.

"My King, Kyle is right. It's best to prevent it from growing instead of facing it later on.".

"Tsk. Fine. I'll have my commanding group search for these 'scheming' wolves and their hunter partners." Kaleb finally decided. A relieved sigh came out of me. At least something is to be done.

"Selena… You know the drill, just leave these brothers and Lady Celeste's memory alone. This meeting is done.". Those were Kaleb's last words before he stood up and left the room.