He's with me...


"Come on Jen, how long are you going to be in there!?" Ebony yelled by the door.

"No, I can't do this Ebony, it's – it's too much!" I yelled back, how can I possibly go out like this?

"What are you talking about? It's just a swimsuit!".

"I know but –".

"It'll look good on you. I'm sure Noel will love it." I gulped; will Noel really like it if I go out wearing this…? I then heard Olive at the other side, "It's okay Jenny, he will like it, trust me…". Whew, okay then. Deep breaths, Jenny, deep breaths…

I slowly opened the door and shyly stepped out. I looked at them and saw their gasping faces. I grew embarrassed, "I told you I look weird, I'm changing back –".

"No, no, no!" Ebony stopped me from entering back to our room and held my shoulders, "You look great!".

"She's right." Olive concurred with her, "It really suits you.".

"You see…? I was right in picking that for you.".

With their compliments, I feel a little confident with how I look. I was actually wearing a black skirted one-piece swimsuit with the top being a tie-styled halter. While Ebony wears a classic red two-piece bikini and Olive in a simple white side cutout one-piece swimsuit.

I really feel a bit exposed and uncomfortable when wearing a swimsuit so I usually skip it but today's different. I kind of want to know how would Noel react when he sees me wearing one, will he like it…?

"Oh, here comes the boys.". Olive said as she spotted three men coming our way. They were all wearing swimming trunks, two of them in plain white t-shirts while the other was bare-chested.

"Hi there, handsome." Olive greeted her husband, Kyle Von Locke who was the one with no shirt. He scooped her waist and they shared a 'mouthful' kiss.

Ebony and I had to look at each flustered. I then took a quick glance at Noel who was deadpan looking straight at me. He had this intense stare at me which made me flush so much that I had to look away.

After their 'kiss' Kyle held Olive close to himself as she did to him and then greeted us, "Hello Miss Jenny, Miss Blades, I hope you're doing fine with our company.".

"I – I do.". I answered him trying to set aside Noel's intense staring. "Your staff are most welcoming.".

"Great! Now if you'll excuse us, my wife and I need some quality time.".

"Bye ladies, I'll see you later at lunch.". Olive said before they went on their way. We waved them goodbye.

"So? Shall we have fun, too?" Ebony then declared.

There were many people by the shore, mostly the staff. Everyone was having fun, some playing beach volleyball, some were in the water while others are just relaxing by the shore. I wasn't really a swimmer so I was just walking by the shore soaking my feet in the water. Ebony brought her camera and we took pictures, well, I took pictures. As usual, some of the male staff had been eyeing Ebony. With her nice figure who wouldn't look at her.

Looking back at the shore, Noel and Johnny were sitting by the sand probably just enjoying the sun and breeze. Though Johnny is busy with his phone, Noel, on the other hand, was just looking, I'm not sure if he was looking at me but I feel that he does.

"Oh my gosh, Ms. Vicky is going to make a move on Mr. Noel." I overheard some of the female staff near me.

"Who's this Vicky?" Ebony then asked me, she might have heard it too.

"Um, she's the Sales Director under the Finance Department, Miss Vicky Burns."

"Uh-huh… Is that her…?" She then pointed to a lady in the water that is adjacent to us and almost in view of where Noel and Johnny were. She was wearing a rather very revealing bikini, not leaving much to one's imagination. Her sweat combined with the water made her shine and with her water-soaked hair, she looked like those cover girls you see in the magazines. Men near her, staff, or some quest had their eyes on her.

"Yup, that's her...".

Johnny had then made a phone call, temporarily parting with Noel, that was when we noticed Vicky started moving towards him. What is she up to?

"Come on, let's get closer." Ebony urged me.

"What? No, I don't want to.".

"Sheesh Jenny, I know you want to, let's go.". Well, she isn't wrong but what can my presence do against such beauty?

"Hi, Mr. Noel…" Vicky greeted with half her body slightly bowing at Noel, clearly showing off her body to him. Noel just looked at her and stood up. He greeted her back, "Miss Burns, is there something that you need?".

"Oh no, everything's perfect. As expected of Wolfeland Industries, their choice of location is also great. The board should be proud".

"Thanks, I'll let them know of your kind words.".

"No need to do that… But say…" Her hand touched his arm and got closer to his ears and said, "Want to go somewhere private with me?".

"Oh~" Ebony reacted. Vicky then suggestively smiles at him.

I do not like this, not at all. She's hitting on my Noel. It irritates me that this woman is touching him even suggesting something like that. I think my blood is boiling. No, I can't let anyone have their way with my boyfriend again. This time I'll fight for it.

I went closer to them as Noel took her hand away from his arm, "Miss Burns, I –".

"NO!". I nervously exclaimed at them which took their attention to me, "N – Noel won't be going anywhere with you." I gathered all my courage just to say the next words I'm about to say, "H – He's with me, so don't you ever think about it.".

Cold breeze blew but I was sweating so much, everyone was silent for a moment. Then Noel smiled broadly then scooped me up, bridal style. "Ah!" He looked me eye to eye assuring me that he has eyes only for me.

He looked back at Vicky and sneered, "Sorry I can't go with you, you're not even my type." This has made Vicky very displeased and then walked away. I then saw Ebony smiling widely and gave me a thumbs up.

"Now, let's go somewhere private.".