So Close Yet So Far


"Noel, you don't have to do this.", I said to Noel as he prepares himself for the arranged game. Those men have set the game at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The six of us had lunch beforehand and now we're here at the venue of the game. I stood here beside him with a towel and water as his support.

"It's alright Jenny, don't worry.".

"I'm not really worried… It's just that… Have you ever played beach volleyball before…?".

"We've tried volleyball in High School before, how different can it be?". This got me worried.

"Noel, I –". I was going to say something but I stopped when he gently cupped my face and made our noses meet. He said to me, eye to eye, "I won't let anyone harass you or any of your loved ones".

Oh Noel, do I really deserve you? He then leaned closer and I knew what it meant. I closed my eyes and hoped for our lips to finally close their gap.

"Hey lil' bro, are you…ready…?" His brother just had to show up. "Oh… Uh, I ruined it, did I…?" Noel just stared at him as I sheepishly gave him a smile. "Okay, well, I'll just wait over there then." He quickly ran away from our sight.

I giggled at the fact that our kiss had been interrupted yet again. Noel let out a disappointed sigh, to cheer him up a bit, I gave him a kiss on his cheek and whispered, "Good luck on your game…". His smile is back and I feel proud to be the one behind it.

When we arrived at the location, there were a few people crowding. Most of them are other guests of the resort, and only a few are from the staff. I saw Taylor and MJ there, ready to cheer on their bosses. Eventually, they saw me and waved me 'hello' to which I waved back too.

The men from before had two of them already on the sand court. They all had smug faces, then the man before said to Noel, "Ready to lose prince charming?". He, together with his teammate, suddenly removed their shirts. The crowd, especially the women started to coo because of how bulked these two men are.

"Wow." Ebony acknowledged their gesture, "He's a jerk but damn that bod.". She's obviously enjoying this display of masculinity. Olive then giggled, "Oh no, they definitely woke a sleeping dragon.". This comment made me worried, I looked at Noel and instead of being intimidated, he looked fired up. He smirked then both brothers also took off their shirts.

"Oh~ Now that's a body!" Ebony teased and nudged me. Oh my gosh! I almost covered my red face with my hands. Noel's physique is… is perfect! He's not that bulky and huge like his brother Kyle but his lean yet packed upper body is similar to a fitness model. He's so gorgeous I nearly had a nosebleed.

The man just huffed, clearly not happy with Noel's smirking at him. He then declared, "Enough of this, let's play ball.".

"Let's go, Darling!" Olive cheered loud for her husband. Of course, the staff also cheered loud for their bosses.

On the first set, Noel and Kyle had struggled for points causing the set to go to the other men. Though they lost, the brothers were smiling. They're enjoying this game but not me. It's their first time playing this game and I'm worried for them.

"Don't worry, Jenny.", Olive said to me, wait, she isn't worried? "These boys are just getting started, watch them closely.". After her statement, most of the crowd gasped. And from what I can see is that Noel blocked a spike from the other man which made him fall on his rear. Also, it turned out that the second set had finished so fast and surprisingly the brothers beat them, 21–5.

The man glared at Noel who was literally looking down at him. Noel once again smirked at him and said in an intimidating manner, "What's the matter? Tired already…?". The man was then helped by his teammate which he shoved away, making his teammate a bit frustrated at his action. I looked at Olive disbelieved as she smiled at me practically gesturing an 'I told you so'.

The third and deciding set has been quite predicted. The brothers had won and the men bitterly left in defeat. Though it's mainly their fault, they were all over the place. After Noel's display of intimidation, they started turning against with each other and losing their teamwork thus, costing them their chance of winning. As a celebration, a night party was conducted.

"Where are we going?" I asked Noel as he guided me the way. Noel had to snatch me away from the party.

"It's a surprise." His words were secretive. What are you up to my knight-in-shining armor?

When we reached our destination, I was shocked at the surprise he did; a candlelight dinner by the bay. There's even a person playing the piano. I bit my lip and faced him, "I didn't take you as a romantic, Mr. Noel Darcy Locke.".

"I am not. But for you Miss Jenny Del Cruz, I can be anything." I smiled at him. He didn't really have to do any of this but it feels good that someone is going to such lengths just to make you feel wanted. "Shall we…?" He then offered me his hand.

"Oh…? Are we dancing…? No, I can't –".

"Come on, it's not that hard." He urged me. I don't dance but with his dazzling bright blue eyes focused on me, how could I refuse? I gave him my hand and he gently pulled me closer. He placed my hands by his neck and his hands by my waist then we started swaying along with the mellow music.

We swayed to the music and everything seemed to disappear around us. It's just the two of us. Moments later I shifted my hold to embracing him with my face resting on his chest and my hands on his back. He did shift too, from my waist, his hands are now at back. It was a moment of bliss.

I then noticed that the moon was so bright that night. I marvel at its beauty. "Beautiful, isn't it…?" I heard Noel ask to which I just nodded. He added, "Tomorrow is a full moon yet it's already shining like this.". I hummed in agreement.

"Jenny…" I looked at Noel as he called my name and we stopped dancing. He paused for a moment before saying the words that made my heart flutter, "I love you…". I couldn't express what I'm feeling right now. He then added, "Whatever happens in the future, I promise you, I will love you.".

I was slightly confused as to why he said that to me but right now, I am moved by his words. Some tears fell from my eyes but they were tears of joy. I closed my eyes as Noel leaned closer. Is this the right moment to close that gap between us…?

Then again, a loud ringing sound came in between us…