
It's been a wonderful year since Jenny gave birth to our wonderful twins and with the Goddess's guidance, they're growing up nicely. Jenny's been a wonderful mother to my children and I couldn't ask for a better mate than her. This year, Johnny had also asked Maria to marry him and in the coming months, we'll see another wedding day. But for today, we're celebrating another type of occasion.

"Noel, are you done…?" Jenny had asked me as she preps our daughter Juliet for a day out. Our son Leon id already dressed and is quietly plating with his toy on their play area. But when I when to him he giggled and slowly crawled his way to me. Seeing my kid doing small little things always melts my heart, they've only learned how to crawl a few months ago but now my son's a crawling expert. I squatted down and waited as he gets to me and then scooped him up. Oh, his laughter's music to my ears.