
It has been five years since that fateful night during my 25th birthday which all started with a dream. Now, I am happily living my life as a happy fulfilled wife and a mother of two adorable children. And today marks my 30th birthday…

"Wolfie, here's your lunch for today, sorry I can't come by your office today. Olive asked me to help her at daycare, today…" I then gave my husband a kiss goodbye as he goes to work for today, I wonder what he has in store for me today. "So…? Any plans for tonight…?" I asked him expecting a witty yet sexy response.

"Oh, I don't know… I might get back really late, we have a business dinner today, and some big new investor just had to meet us… It's quite troublesome if you ask me." What? A business dinner…? I then tried to be calm.

"A business dinner…? Um… Is there a way to – to reschedule it like next week or…"